A Quote by Alejandro Amenabar

In horror movies today its lots of fast cut shot and lots of loud noises on the soundtrack. I tried to do the opposite. Playing with silence for instance. — © Alejandro Amenabar
In horror movies today its lots of fast cut shot and lots of loud noises on the soundtrack. I tried to do the opposite. Playing with silence for instance.
In horror movies today it's lots of fast cut shot and lots of loud noises on the soundtrack. I tried to do the opposite. Playing with silence for instance.
Writing a song is like playing a series of downs in football: Lots of rules, timing is crucial, lots of boundaries, lots of protective gear, lots of stopping and starting.
There are lots of things to do. Lots of movies to catch. Lots of places to visit... I try to bring in every real life experience into my acting.
My dad moved to London in his early 20s and didn't really go back. So the irony is I've spent lots and lots of time in Ireland, but not with my dad. I've shot films in Belfast, where he's from. And I've shot in Dun Laoghaire. Which is great. And I've shot in Dublin.
When you're doing lots and lots of episodes and you're playing the same character, it's great because you really get to know the character and it becomes a really fast style and you find subtleties in it.
The rich have lots of money. The wealthy have lots of time. I've done enough to have lots of time today to watch sunrises and get drenched in the rain.
India is a culture in which religious life and spirituality is very much on the surface of things. That doesn't mean it doesn't have depth, but it is very visible. There are lots of temples, lots of Islamic centers, lots of gurdwaras, and lots of teachers.
I don't share lots of the phobias that horror movies tap into. I don't mind spiders or snakes or darkness.
It seemed so wimpy at first when I started to play [guitar]. So I started playing loud with lots of effects just to try to mimic the dynamic [of the drums]. Drums seemed a lot more expressive. [I was] Trying to emulate the feeling of playing the drums on the guitar - I guess that's why I played it so loud.
I don't think I'm mainstream. I think what I am is lots and lots of different cults. And when you get lots and lots of small groups who like you a lot, they add up to a big group without ever actually becoming mainstream.
Christmas, as a practicing Catholic child, was seen as a reward for lots and lots and lots of church.
All you need is lots and lots of data and lots of information about what the right answer is, and you'll be able to train a big neural net to do what you want.
The foundation of youth for me...lots of water, lots of laughter, lots of sex.
I believe in nourishment and having a balanced diet. I avoid bingeing and try and eat healthy, especially lots of amla, and drink lots and lots of water.
There are lots of stories in pop music, lots of lush orchestrations, lots of attention to detail. You just have to know where to find them. The best stuff is never overt.
I've always been spontaneous and outgoing... I've tried lots of things so I've got some good life experiences, which is great 'cause it means I've got lots of material to work with as an actor.
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