A Quote by Alexa Vega

Guys are so easygoing and girls are a little harder to please, but that's okay. — © Alexa Vega
Guys are so easygoing and girls are a little harder to please, but that's okay.
I think girls have a harder time than guys do if you're switching schools. Guys don't get picked on as long as you're OK in sports.
I have a little piece of advice for all the single guys out there, this is a piece of gold so please write this down. If you have the opportunity to star in a movie, do it. Seriously, I find it's a lot easier to meet girls.
When you think about the guys who started Twitter, and the Google guys, and the Facebook guys and the Napster guys, and the Microsoft guys, and the Dell guys and the Instagram guys, it's all guys. The girls, they're being left behind.
Some of them are okay, but the popular girls like to pick on my sister, and almost all the guys are gross. I don't know why guys are like that. Do you?
To me, mixed doubles is an undervalued tennis product. You have guys and girls playing on the same level, no handicaps. The guys aren't feeling bad for the girls. The girls pick on the guys. It's generally amazing tennis.
When I was first writing, my little prayers were, 'Please, please, please. Let something be published someday.' Then it went to, 'Please, please, please. Let somebody read this.'
Guys are a little quicker on their feet at '45. As far as wrestling goes, the guys at 155 or 170 are harder to take down.
You know the difference between guys and girls? Usually girls say it's no different whatsoever. But you see, a lot of girls they don't understand that they are better than us guys. If you think about it, they are much more manipulative.
Anything guys can do, girls can, and most of the time, they're out there working harder and doing it better.
I will wear makeup because I want to look good for myself, but it's not to please other people. It's not so I fit in with the pretty girls or to impress guys.
When you're a very career-oriented woman, sometimes you don't have as much time to go meet all kinds of guys. You're a little bit limited to the guys that work in your office. I think a lot of girls can relate to that problem.
Remember how last year there were two more girls than guys and I had to be on the guys' side and dance with all the girls? That was a lot of fun. I love being tall.
Bubble life hasn't been bad at all. It's different for everybody depending on their personal lives, but I don't have a girlfriend or a wife or kids. Talking with the guys that do, it's a little harder for them, a little less attractive.
The verb that's been enforced on girls is to please. Girls are trained to please...I want us all to change the verb. I want the verb to be educate, or activate, or engage, or confront, or defy, or create.
Audiences are harder to please if you're just giving them effects, but they're easy to please if it's a good story.
I am a grenade," I said again. "I just want to stay away from people and read books and think and be with you guys because there's nothing I can do about hurting you: You're too invested, so just please let me do that, okay? "I'm going to go to my room and read for awhile, okay? I'm fine. I really am fine: I just want to go read for a while.
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