A Quote by Amaal Mallik

I think no composer knows he's creating a hit until the audience gives it a nod. — © Amaal Mallik
I think no composer knows he's creating a hit until the audience gives it a nod.
The most important person is the audience and the composer. The rest of us - and even the composer is a servant to the audience. And of course, the audience is a servant to the higher art.
A lot of baseball players think baseball is cool, and the audience that we have think it's cool. It might not hit every audience, but I don't think there's a single sport that's going to hit every audience.
It may sound surprising, but a joke and a crime novel work in very much the same way. The comedian/writer leads their audience along the garden path. The audience know what's coming, or at least they think they do until they get hit from a direction they were not expecting.
If you're reading a comic strip, you can read it at any speed you want. But with film and music, the audience has to take it the way the composer gives it.
Any composer will not completely enjoy the process of creating a remix. Even if one adds their own elements, the song ultimately belongs to the original composer.
I didn't realize that I wasn't moving in a gender-equal world - I had a sense of it, but I didn't start to really see evidence of it, I think, until I hit puberty. Media even before that age is already creating all these biases.
An actress always knows when she's hit it and mostly you haven't; but once or twice I think I hit it right, so maybe that's good enough for one life.
I can promote until I am blue in the face, but ultimately nobody knows what makes a hit.
Music is a kind of magical thing, and you can't make magic every time, but you try. Every once in a while it has that magic, and the audience knows that. I probably miss it more than I hit it, but I think that's what all musicians try for.
And I think that when I play these villains, maybe what is different is that the audience sees me play these and they know that that's Chris and he's having fun and he knows that and he knows that and you know that and everybody knows that.
If I were to die tomorrow, I think they'd say Newman 56, composer of the hit song, Short People. Jumped off a mountain today.
If a composer could state in words what being a composer means, he would no longer need to be a composer.
Originally, I wanted to be a composer. I always tell people, 'I think of myself as a composer.'
Originally, I wanted to be a composer. I always tell people, 'I think of myself as a composer.
I don't think we need a critic to negotiate with the audience. People say, "Who are you writing for?" I'm writing for myself but my audience is anybody who knows how to read. I think a story should engage anybody who knows how to read. And I hope that my stories do, maybe on a different level for more sophisticated readers than, say, a high school kid, but still a story has got to grab you. That's why we read it.
Perhaps the chief requirement of [the conductor] is that he be humble before the composer; that he never interpose himself between the music and the audience; that all his efforts, however strenuous or glamorous, be made in the service of the composer's meaning - the music itself, which, after all, is the whole reason for the conductor's existence.
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