A Quote by Anna Kaiser

If I have my breakfast after my workout, I'll do a shaker with whey protein, chia, greens powder, and maca. When I get out, I'll put ice in the shaker with coconut water, shake it, and have it for breakfast.
I often eat a lot of food when I eat and I eat maybe three or four times a day. I eat a good breakfast I have a protein shake or something between breakfast and my workout. After working out I have a shake and then eat lunch.
I like to start my day with a glass of coconut water, some protein powder, and a mix of things - goji berries, flax seeds, hemp seeds, even the flesh of a coconut or anything with a lot of fibre. I often add bananas, or eggs - fried or boiled - to my breakfast.
For breakfast, I make an amazing protein shake with fruit, Greek yogurt, protein powder, flaxseed oil and honey. It's a nice way to get a healthy start and a little bit of sweetness, too.
I train in the mornings, and I'll eat two breakfasts. I'll have waffles with flax seed and almond butter and one egg scrambled. Then I'll work out and have a second breakfast - another egg or a protein shake. Within a half-hour to 40 minutes after a workout, that's when you want to load up on protein.
Protein bars, protein flapjacks, protein granola, protein ice cream and protein coconut water... To look at the health-food aisles, you'd think that protein was a substance no one could overeat. Even bread now comes in protein-enriched form.
After a workout, you definitely have to have a protein shake. I drink my six-pound whey protein all the time, too. I throw some fruit in there - strawberries, blueberries - with some peanut butter and banana, and it gives you all the recovery you need from a hard day of lifting and running.
Breakfast, for me, is usually some sort of omelette with some meat and veggies and potatoes and some good coffee. Then I'll usually do that into a workout, and I'll follow my workout with a shake, which is mostly protein and a little carb.
"Why are breakfast food breakfast foods?" I asked them. "Like, why don't we have curry for breakfast?" "Hazel, eat." "But why?" I asked. "I mean seriously: How did scrambled eggs get stuck with breakfast exclusivity? You can put bacon on a sandwich without anyone freaking out. But the moment your sandwich has an egg, boom, it's a breakfast sandwich."
My breakfast consists of skimmed milk, a scoop of whey protein, and granola with dry fruits and oats.
I need to put the right things in my body before and after I work out, so I end every workout with some sort of protein shake to help me get the most out of my training.
I always start the day with a protein shake: protein powder mixed with water, peanut butter, and yoghurt to thicken it up.
I love making smoothies post-workout. My favorite - depending on the day - is either a chocolate whey protein shake with banana and peanut butter, or one with vanilla and berries.
For breakfast, I usually like to do either a protein shake if I'm rushing out the door, or egg whites and turkey bacon are also a go-to for me.
Most of the time, I am quite familiar with the airports from which and to which I am traveling, and I know what I can eat there. If there is any doubt, I make sure I have something in my bag. A must-have for me is pre-measured protein powder in small Ziploc bags along with a shaker cup.
For each glass, liberally large, the basic ingredients begin with ice cubes in a shaker and three or four drops of Angostura bitters on the ice cubes. Add several twisted lemon peels to the shaker, then a bottle-top of dry vermouth, a bottle-top of Scotch, and multiply the resultant liquid content by five with gin, preferably Bombay Sapphire. Add more gin if you think it is too bland... I have been told, but have no personal proof that it is true, that three of these taken in the course of an evening make it possible to fly from New York to Paris without an airplane.
I'm a breakfast type of guy. Don't get me wrong. I can cook, I'm kinda nice on the burner, but I enjoy making breakfast. I do it all... Scrambled eggs... French toast... Pancakes... Breakfast is my thing.
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