A Quote by Arthur Helps

People resemble still more the time in which they live, than they resemble their fathers. — © Arthur Helps
People resemble still more the time in which they live, than they resemble their fathers.
Is it surprising that prisons resemble factories, schools, barracks, hospitals, which all resemble prisons?
I think Scandinavian Paganism, to us here, is more interesting than any other. It is, for one thing, the latest; it continued in these regions of Europe till the eleventh century; 800 years ago the Norwegians were still worshipers of Odin. It is interesting also as the creed of our fathers; the men whose blood still runs in our veins, whom doubtless we still resemble in so many ways.
Some people resemble ballads which are only sung for a certain time.
All men come to resemble their fathers. That isn't a tragedy. But you need a hell of a sense of humor to handle it.
I resemble the poplar,--that tree which, even when old, still looks young.
People mature with age and experience. I hope I more resemble a fine wine than bad vinegar.
Most of my Muslim friends are politically liberal in a lot of senses. They are far more open-minded than the Christian circles I grew up in, which are, you know, actually scarier. That said, too, I still identify with the teachings of Jesus. I don't think they resemble or relate to modern-day Christianity.
We find the Works of Nature still more pleasant, the more they resemble those of art.
A well-thought-out story doesn’t need to resemble real life. Life itself tries with all its might to resemble a well-crafted story.
It is wrong to ask for more than you give freely. In this way, we come to resemble what we hate.
All my joys resemble more a momentary intoxication than the real gold of happiness. It was all but an illusion.
The Constitution and laws of the United States resemble a theocracy more closely than any government now on the earth, or that ever has been, so far as we know, except the government of the children of Israel to the time when they elected a king.
People of talent resemble a musical instrument more closely than they do a musician. Without outside help, they produce not a single sound, but given even the slightest touch, and a magnificent tune emanates from them.
People focus on role models; it is more effective to find antimodels - people you don't want to resemble when you grow up
Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life.
We live counterfeit lives in order to resemble the idea we first had of ourselves.
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