A Quote by Ava DuVernay

I'm making and marketing my films, by any means necessary, and enjoying life while I do so. — © Ava DuVernay
I'm making and marketing my films, by any means necessary, and enjoying life while I do so.
Films have been my only passion in life. I have always been proud of making films and will continue taking pride in all my films. I have never made a movie I have not believed in. However, though I love all my films, one tends to get attached to films that do well. But I do not have any regrets about making films that did not really do well at the box office.
If, you know, all your life you're making films or whatever, and somehow along the way you lose meaning in whatever you're doing when you're making the films, they're just not the same as they used to be to you. That doesn't mean your life is over; it just means maybe go try to live a different life.
I was making commercials. That's how I learned the craft. That was the marketing part of it: directing commercial for TV. It wasn't the most common thing to become a filmmaker in Greece. I started by saying I was interested in marketing and have a proper job in advertising and commercials. Basically, I studied film to learn how to do marketing, and commercials. As I studied film I learned I'd be interested in making films instead of commercials.
We want freedom by any means necessary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary. We don't feel that in 1964, living in a country that is supposedly based upon freedom, and supposedly the leader of the free world, we don't think that we should have to sit around and wait for some segregationist congressmen and senators and a President from Texas in Washington, D.C., to make up their minds that our people are due now some degree of civil rights. No, we want it now or we don't think anybody should have it.
I don't think life gets any better than sitting in the sun while a legend of French cinema tells you stories about making 'Belle de Jour' and other wonderful films, and eating great food.
For a while, I stopped enjoying making movies and I stopped enjoying acting, because I made a few decisions that I wish I hadn't made.
When you hear me say "by any means necessary," I mean exactly that. I believe in anything that is necessary to correct unjust conditions-political, economic, social, physical, anything that is necessary.
I've always done whatever is necessary to retain my Knockouts title by any means necessary.
You are alive, but you should enjoy that while you can. I try to keep that same life philosophy of just enjoying the moments that come my way and not be the one that gets in my own way from making the most of the opportunities that I have.
While I was making 'Coraline' I barely got to see any films at all, so I've got a lot of catching up to do.
If I am not enjoying my exercise regime, I am not enjoying my life, which means I am wasting it!
What with making their way and enjoying what they have won, heroes have no time to think. But the sons of heroes - ah, they have all the necessary leisure.
For when the law doth give any thing to one, it giveth impliedly whatsoever is necessary for the taking and enjoying of the same.
American films look at films with a larger than life attitude while the French films look at life as it is.
Someone once said that life is what happens while we are making other plans. I now know what that means.
When I was younger, making films was so all-consuming. It was a life-or-death thing. Films still mean so much to me when I'm making them. So I had to get away from that attitude of living or dying with every film, because otherwise you'll go insane.
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