A Quote by Brianna Wu

In stopping Gamergate, the men who dominate it - not just women - must address the culture that created Gamergate. — © Brianna Wu
In stopping Gamergate, the men who dominate it - not just women - must address the culture that created Gamergate.
Gamergate is ostensibly about journalistic ethics. Supporters say they want to address conflicts of interest between the people that make games and the people that support them. In reality, Gamergate is a group of gamers that are willing to destroy the women who have invaded their clubhouse.
GamerGate-promoted outlets fail at grown-up journalistic ethics, and they also fail at the cheap knockoff brand of GamerGate brand ethics, too.
I think Gamergate is just a symptom of a disease: a $90 billion global industry that was built by men for men.
Gamergate gave birth to a new kind of celebrity troll, men who made money and built their careers by destroying women's reputations.
Prosecuting Gamergate is not about justice for me or the women of Giant Spacekat. It's about introducing consequences into the equation for men that treat harassing women like a game.
My big lesson from Gamergate is asking the men in charge to do the right thing does not work. So we need women, we need people of color in positions of power not just in the game industry but at social media and tech companies and in Congress.
Gamergate is a criminal operation to harass women.
For a hate group originally focused on video games, anger over a comedy movie for starring women might seem ridiculous. But at its core, Gamergate is about a toxic male sense of ownership over geek culture.
I looked at Gamergate very cynically. I didn't care about the ethics. And I didn't care about the women I just cared that this is bringing users to my site.
Most members of Gamergate, the alt-right movement best known for harassing women in the game industry, operate under a veil of anonymity.
Since Gamergate, many women I know are reluctant to speak publicly on gender issues, because they fear - rightly - that they will be targeted and harassed.
To stand up to GamerGate, that's my choice. I can't make that choice for the women I work with.
I think what a lot of women in the game industry saw with Gamergate is they saw if they came forward, help was not going to come.
GamerGate is about harassing, threatening and silencing women. Started that way, has been that way all along. Dont pretend otherwise.
GamerGate is really a sexist temper tantrum. That's kind of a silly, funny way of putting it, but it's kind of what it feels like, right? They're going after and targeting women who are trying to make changes in the industry. They're attacking anyone who supports women.
I don't regret standing up to Gamergate at all.
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