A Quote by Carly Fiorina

I will force Hillary Clinton to fight on the grounds of her lies and lack of trustworthiness, whether that's about e-mails, and servers and Benghazi. — © Carly Fiorina
I will force Hillary Clinton to fight on the grounds of her lies and lack of trustworthiness, whether that's about e-mails, and servers and Benghazi.
I will force Hillary Clinton to fight on the ground of her foreign policy mistakes.
Hillary Clinton lies about Benghazi, she lied about emails, she is still defending Planned Parenthood, and she is still her party's frontrunner.
Donald Trump can't beat Hillary Clinton, I think it's very clear, and she doesn't want to run against me, because I can beat her, because I will fight her and force her to fight on ground that she will lose on.
It looks like bribery. I mean,there is every appearance that Hillary Clinton was bribed to grease the sale of, what, 20 percent of America's uranium production to Russia, and then it was covered up by lying about a meeting with her home with the principals, and by erasing e-mails. And I presume we might know for sure whether there was or was not bribery if she hadn't wiped out you know, out thousands of e-mails.
We have a country where you have Hillary Clinton with her e-mails that nobody's ever seen where she deletes 33,000 e-mails, and that's after getting a subpoena from Congress. If you do that in private business, you get thrown in jail.
Secretary Hillary Clinton used several different servers and administrators of those servers during her four years at the State Department. She also used numerous mobile devices to send and to read email on that personal domain.
I'll tell you what, [Hillary Clinton] is not making America safer by her actions and because as it relates to Benghazi, as it relates the e-mail scandal, as to the number of lies and obfuscation that she has engaged in throughout the course of this investigation and lack of transparency. And specifically, she's making America weaker by telegraphing and telling our enemies that we won't even put troops or boots over there. You don't know what's going to happen down the road
Will I criticize Hillary Clinton on her position of TPP, or the lack of position? Will I criticize her on her views of Wall Street? Will I criticize her on foreign policy? That's what democracy is about, but taking cheap shots at people, making it personal, I don't think that's what politics should be about.
I will say that there are genuine and serious concerns about what Hillary Clinton did before the Benghazi attacks, during them, and after them. I think her extremely careless handling of classified information, to use FBI Director Jim Comey's term, disqualifies her from being president.
Hillary Clinton wants to run on the historic nature of her candidacy. I will force her to run on accountability for the Clinton way.
This is a great nation at terrible risk in a dangerous world, and she has fully exposed this nation and will continue to do so because of her utter incompetence and Hillary Clinton lack of care, lack of attention, lack of concern.
Look, does gender play a part in how people perceive Hillary Clinton? Yes. But it's also not the reason people criticize her about the emails or Benghazi.
I focus most of my attention on Hillary Clinton and her disastrous policies. I mean, there's a real danger in this election. Electing Hillary Clinton in an era where we now are so pessimistic about the future, would double down on [Barack] Obama economics and a failed foreign policy - so most of my attention is about my record and about defeating Hillary Clinton.
Secretary Clinton used several different servers and administrators of those servers during her four years at the State Department and used numerous mobile devices to view and send e-mail on that personal domain. As new servers and equipment were employed, older servers were taken out of service, stored, and decommissioned in various ways.
Hillary Clinton has jeopardized. Totally jeopardized national security by putting her e-mails on a private server, all to hide her corrupt dealings.
The problem is that we didn't fight the way we should've fought. We made it be about [Donald Trump] and [Hillary Clinton] as opposed to making it be about us. If we had said this was a fight, not about "I'm with Her" but "I'm with Us" then maybe we would've had a different attitude toward her.
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