A Quote by Chanda Kochhar

There are lots of India-related business which is nourished overseas. I mean India-related business that is done off-shore. There are lot of funds that are invested in India and run by Indians but are being operated from outside, mainly because of the taxation laws.
There are really at least two Indias, there is an India or a shining India the one which the west seas usually through urbanize and there is an India outside some of the big metro policies and in even the tier two cities and in rural India which is completely different. It goes by the name of Bahar which is a traditional name for India.
I like the concept of 'Make in India'. But the orientation of 'Make in India' is slightly different than what I would. So, the orientation of Make in India is big business, and a lot of it is defence. My orientation of 'Make in India' would be small and medium businesses.
Make in India! By this, we mean we want to give low cost manufacturing, ease of business, skilled manpower. India is a land of huge possibilities & scope.
I think there are opportunities outside India as well as in India. In fact, some of the largest projects that most Indian software companies are doing are in India.
I think there is a misunderstanding about Indians' traditional views. India did send army into Goa, India did send an army into and fought a war in Kashmir in 1948, India did get Hyderabad by force... I think the narrow projection on the international... arena distorted India's image.
I returned to India because I believe in an India of honesty and hard work, not of corruption and crookedness. I believe in an India of openness and straightforwardness, not of hypocrisy and double-dealing. I believe in an India where opportunities are available to all, and not just to a chosen few.
When I wrote 'Monsoon,' I always imagined the music video being shot in India. The song had so much to do with my time in India with my mother as well as leaving her in India during the monsoon season to visit my family in N.Y. It really was a dream come true when I was given the opportunity to shoot in India.
During the 19th century, Britain fought two wars in unsuccessful attempts to subjugate the Afghans. When Britain finally drew a border between India and Afghanistan in 1893, Pashtun tribes in southern Afghanistan were cut off from related tribes across the border in what was then India and is now Pakistan.
In India only sex and Bollywood sell. So if you are not using either of them, forget launching any product, sport or business in India.
In India, the investment banking industry is a little different. Overseas, the structures are very complicated, but not in India.
There was a lot of pressure on me when I signed 'Dilwale,' and though it did not do as well in India, overseas the business was crazy despite competition from another film.
The one major disappointment I have is that I didn't get a hundred against India in India. I got lots of runs against India in England including a double hundred I am very proud of.
Major heat wave in India - 122 degrees today. It was so hot people in India were sweating like Americans waiting to hear if their job is being outsourced to India.
We need efforts to integrate the nation, not divide it. The 2014 elections is about voting for India. It is to decide what kind of India we want to create. So Vote for India. Neither for a person, nor for a party, let us Vote for India.
I think the reason why I haven't done a film in India so far is because I haven't found a script that's completely gotten my attention and made me passionate to get it made. I keep saying I'm not at all famous in my own country, because people do not think I have done anything for India. The reason why I'm making movies outside my country, bit by bit, is to be able to come back to India equipped with the knowledge and understanding of how to hopefully produce my own films one fine day.
In so many ways, our business is very, very unique. For example, in India, people pay with cash, and we accept cash from day one. And a lot of people in India pay with cash. And that's part of our business model.
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