A Quote by Chrissy Teigen

Donald Trump didn't know the [Democratic] vice presidential candidate he was running against: Tim Kaine [Senator] of Virginia, Donald! Not Thomas Kean, Republican [former Governor] of New Jersey, you moron! And his answer to absolutely every question is so simplistic and grand: "Oh, I'll fix it. Trust me. I'm the best fixer. I love to fix!!! Look at everything I've fixed before!!!!".
As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump promised to 'fix the rigged system.' By 'fix,' he apparently meant rigging it to permanently benefit billionaires like himself.
Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina also criticized Donald Trump during the campaign, but now she was arguing that the new president deserves a chance to prove himself, and that, perhaps, you know, having a march just the day after his inauguration is kind of disrespectful.
I was a Republican before Donald Trump was a Republican. I was a Republican when Donald Trump was a Democrat. I was a Republican when Donald Trump was an independent. And I'm going to be a Republican when Donald Trump gets tired of being a Republican.
[Tim] Kaine, in Virginia, you know he wasn't popular?His first move as governor of Virginia was to raise taxes by 4 billion dollars. He was not popular in Virginia.
Donald Trump is a candidate who divided his own party more deeply than any presidential candidate has before.
It's starting to look like Donald Trump may be a serious presidential candidate. If you're in my line of work, Trump running for president for real is the greatest thing that has ever happened.
As a Republican governor, a senator, or member of Congress, or as a Republican candidate, let me remind you: You're known by the company you keep. By associating yourself with or endorsing Trump, you own Trump's toxic radioactivity with voters outside his base.
Here we have perhaps in Mike Pence someone uniquely capable of explaining [Donald] Trump and being Trump and explaining for people who Trump is and what he is. And defending against whatever predictable insults and assaults on Trump that [Tim] Kaine comes up with.
Donald Trump is an independent presidential candidate who ran on the Republican label. He really did. He took it over. He transformed it into his image, in his likeness.
When candidate Donald Trump ran for the highest office in the land, he promised to fight for forgotten Americans. In the presidential election of 2016, the forgotten Americans of the Upper Midwest and the coal country of Kentucky and West Virginia, many of them life-long Democrats, delivered a decisive win for this first-time Republican candidate.
Thanks to NBC News and thanks to the NBC primetime TV network, Donald Trump has been in living rooms for 11 years being who he is. The Donald Trump running for president is not an unknown quantity. The Donald Trump running for president is the Donald Trump everybody's gotten to know, and quite a lot of people watch those Donald Trump TV shows, The Apprentice and whatever else on there.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has taken American politics by storm.
For anyone who doesn't believe that Donald Trump is the best candidate to go head to head with Hillary Clinton in November, and that's about 70 percent of Republicans nationwide who don't think Donald Trump is the right guy, our [President's] campaign is the only campaign that has beaten Donald Trump and that can beat Donald Trump.
Donald Trump may be the loudest voice in the Republican presidential field, but on his heels is the candidate quietly surging to the front of the pack: Ben Carson.
I think if you're at home and you don't want Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee, then the only candidate who can beat Donald is our campaign. And so I would encourage, even if you like another candidate, stand with us if you don't want Donald to be the nominee.
After starting a blood feud with Fox News, something no Republican presidential candidate has dared to do before, [Donald] Trump seems to have successfully undermine the network in the eyes of its core audience with perception of the Fox News brand among Republican adults hitting its lowest point in three years according to a new YouGov survey.
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