A Quote by Chuck Lorre

Life is never quite like the brochure. — © Chuck Lorre
Life is never quite like the brochure.
I haven't written a brochure yet. It's killing me. I know I have a brochure or pamphlet in me yet.
Looking back at it now, any objective account of my life is bound to read like a cross between 'The Wife of Bath's Tale' and a travel brochure.
The world is wonderful and beautiful and good beyond one's wildest imagination. Never, never, never could one conceive what love is, beforehand, never. Life can be great-quite god-like. It can be so. God be thanked I have proved it.
I cringe at backstory. Because it never quite explains or gets into some psychological thing that is never quite right and never quite the truth and who knows why someone is someway.
Franz Kafka once said that happiness consists in having an ideal and not progressing towards it. If you did progress towards it, you'd be unhappy because you'd never be able to reach it. You can incrementally improve your life, but you never quite experience the glamour. You never quite get to your utopia, or whatever it is. And once you realize that you can be quite Buddhist about it, and say, "Well, okay, I'm just going to keep detached from it all."
I cringe at backstory. Because it never quite explains or gets into some psychological thing that is never quite right and never quite the truth and who knows why someone is some way.
The first one was quite cheap, but that was expensive for us. For my folks to buy on the Never Never. It was quite, you know, a rare object to have and I gained quite a lot of status by having this.
I feel like I've lived quite a sheltered life, like my mom and dad were quite protective of me.
I'm quite an opinionated person, but I'd never written a diary before. I quite like it!
Real life is not quite as it is in stories. In the old tales, bad things happen, and when the tale has unfolded and come to its triumphant conclusion, it is as if the bad things had never been. Life is not as simple as that, not quite.
I think quite a lot of people have a friendship or a love that's gone like that and it never quite reconciles properly.
I think teen-age love is a great thing. There's nothing quite like it and never will be for the rest of your life.
When you, like if you sing a song and it gets into your brain that it becomes, it repeats and repeats like an affirmation so I find that quite empowering and quite important to keep my positive attitude to life.
'Down Home with the Neelys' was the highest-rated Food Network show in history. But the crazy part about it was I never wanted to do that show. I never wanted to live my life quite out loud like that.
I would quite like to see stories that are not necessarily to do with the violence, because I think there was quite a lot of normality in our world - but it is never reflected on the screen.
Watching Life on Mars was quite frightening for me because dipping in and out of reality was quite like myself
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