A Quote by Dan Gilbert

Fans will express themselves. We will always have the best security possible, as we always do. And I hope that Cleveland and the fans, you would hope that everybody keeps it to a certain level, because anything you do that crosses the line isn't going to look bad for anybody but the franchise and Cleveland.
Above all, the fans of the Cleveland Cavaliers, as well as the entire franchise, deserve and need our players and coaches to dig deep within themselves.
Our entire franchise has done everything in its power to put all of our players and its coaching staff in the best possible position to execute when it counts. And to deliver to the highly supportive fans of Cleveland a proud, intense, impassioned, all-out drive to achieve a championship.
Playing in front of the greatest fans in the NFL is easily the greatest honor that I've had in my 11-year career. I hope I was able to make you guys proud in the way that I was always proud when I told people boldly that 'I am a Cleveland Brown.'
I'm always going to be a Rangers fans and I'll always look out for their results. But if I thought the fans would have me back, then I'd always have that door open.
I never had to look for confidence because I just wore what I wanted to wear. I would never wear anything to offend my husband or my mother, but outside of that, I always figured, I hope I'm not a rebel, and I hope everybody liked it. And if they didn't like it, it really was not going to disturb me because it was their problem, not mine.
I'm always nervous! Especially when it comes to a series like 'Disgaea', where you do have such a devoted fan base, the last thing you want to do is disappoint. But I love playing bad guys and just always hope that fans will be forgiving if I miss the mark.
It's a privilege. It's a real honor. It's a challenge. Michael and I always feel we stand on tall shoulders when we make these films. Audiences come to them with a lot of good will because of what's come before. We just try to make the best film we can, each time, and hope that we satisfy the fans. I'm sure, with Skyfall, that we will. I think it's a terrific film. I hope the audiences enjoy it, as much as we've enjoyed making it.
The bottom line is I've never had anybody bark at me in a mall with malicious intent. Everybody who barks at the kid from Cleveland is to let him know, "I know who you are." It's always a positive thing.
The Cleveland Browns fans really are the greatest fans.
I'm in Cleveland. I enjoy myself. I enjoy going out and competing at highest level for the Cleveland Cavaliers.
I always thought Grover Cleveland was from Cleveland.
I would always just get DMs from my fans, because people know I'm an advocate for anti-bullying. So I would always just look at my messages and see a bunch of my fans saying, 'Look at what this person said to me, I don't know how to deal with this.'
My feelings for Cleveland are a little bit different because there's always the memory of me having surgery here. Cleveland is a special place to me now because it's a place that helped save my life.
You have to trust your instincts and hope the fans like what you do, but you don't gut check with the fans. If we're going to make a series, people are going to have a lot of opinions and if there's one overwhelming majority or one thing you continuously hear repeated from the fans, you certainly take that into account going into next season.
'Cleveland' went viral, but it didn't necessarily pop. I didn't have that support. I didn't have a deal when I made 'Cleveland' or anything like that.
I would hope to think my fans are full of attitude, are a bit vicious, and always fight for what they want. That's exactly what I'm going to give them.
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