A Quote by Duncan Green

I have to be sure of myself - in a conditional way, always being open to the possibility that I'm wrong. — © Duncan Green
I have to be sure of myself - in a conditional way, always being open to the possibility that I'm wrong.

Quote Author

Duncan Green
Born: 1922
I am interested in the possibility that we are going to be wrong in the same way that history has indicated that mankind always is. It seems as though the history of ideas is the history of being wrong. And to me, that is a kind of continuum. It's a continual path that shows we don't always know something, but we're always shifting to a path that makes us feel more comfortable in the moment, even if that shift is wrong, and a new shift is destined to happen again.
I like the scientific spirit-the holding off, the being sure but not too sure, the willingness to surrender ideas when the evidence is against them: this is ultimately fine-it always keeps the way beyond open.
The thing about science fiction is that it's totally wide open. But it's wide open in a conditional way.
Making conclusions about life is a sure way to deny yourself the possibility of a human being transforming himself into the Divine.
I try to be true to myself yet still at the same time look at comments and look at what the fans have to say and kind of put it in perspective. I'm never someone whose not open for opinion, I'm always just down to make it work and see how we can do things but at the end of the day I always want to make sure it represents me. It's really about just being humble and not selling yourself on being there already.
I am sure there is a right way and a wrong way and in today's life, there are many different rules of being politically correct.
It’s wrong to hate. It always has been wrong and it always will be wrong! It’s wrong in America, it’s wrong in Germany, it’s wrong in Russia, it’s wrong in China! It was wrong in two thousand B.C., and it’s wrong in nineteen fifty-four A.D.! It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong!
I'm trying to learn to ask myself: 'Before you dive in are you sure you are right?' It's always safe to assume I'm wrong.
I hated being stuck at home doing the student thing. I always wanted to work. And there's nothing wrong with it. So you can take what you can get. And, you know, this, 'Well, that's beneath me. I have a degree.' Put it aside for a while because reality is what it is. There are a lot of people having to do a lot of things that they think are beneath them right now because McDonald's is not open to make sure you don't starve. That's your job. Your responsibility to make sure you don't starve and your kids don't starve and all the rest of it.
Are you open for this possibility of the energy source of breathing to go through you or are you collapsing? Are you open to this coming and going of air and the possibility-wea ther we sit, or stand, or lie-to allow this exchange of air through us?
For a country founded on the idea that rights are inalienable and inherent from birth, we’ve developed a high tolerance for conditional rights and conditional citizenship.
I could've never envisioned things goin' this way in a million years. But, I'm a firm believer in my higher power havin' a plan, and he's never wrong, and he's not open to suggestions. I'm sure that everything [has] happened for a reason.
Do not hold an idea tightly! There is always a possibility that what you believe might be wrong! Hold your ideas loosely so that you can easily get rid of them once you have realised that they are wrong!
I remember when I first came to Los Angeles being staggered by the range of roles open to me. These were leading parts in shiny new projects, and what always excited me was knowing there was a possibility that I could actually get these parts. I always had the impression that I had a chance.
I'd always thought of myself as an open-minded person. I had no patience with anyone who put down other kids because of their race, religion, or sexuality. But that's just one kind of open-mindedness. There's another kind, too, the kind that's willing to see people for who they really are and admit when you were wrong about them. That's the part I still need to work on.
The worst thing is not being wrong, but being sure one is not wrong.
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