A Quote by Dylan Gelulla

I can't have a daily routine. I feel really overwhelmed a lot of the time. I don't take much comfort in routine, but if I don't start, I could really get eaten alive by my industry.
As far as routine goes, one of the things we talk about all the time is that if you have a routine that's great. But you can't be like married to it because the bus could break down on the way to the arena, you could get stuck in traffic, you may be sick that day and you may feel better by game time.
A lot more variables in golf. But the biggest thing is like just routine. Like I think that's the biggest correlation between golfers and basketball players, is for me I really rely on my routine every single day when I get ready for games and how I prepare.
I have a routine for a day I'm in the office and not really physically active. Or a day when I'm in the gym once or in the gym twice. Then I've got a road course routine and an oval routine because they're different physically.
My predictable stable routine completely changed once I retired. I went from a regimented and vigorous daily training program to a routine where every day was different.
A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines separates the most successful among us from everyone else. The routine is exceptionally powerful.
My beauty routine has changed a lot since I turned 30. But also, being on camera more has made me dial in on my skincare and makeup routine. I have acne-prone skin, and washing my face with cleanser in the morning, using witch hazel to tone, and washing twice at night to take off all of my makeup has really made a difference.
Even though I know I can work out at any point in my day, I set a time that I want to get this workout in by. I set times when I'm waking up and having breakfast. Finding a few things you can stick to in your daily routine is helpful when there's a lot of uncertainty and your scheduling is really off.
I like to do my research, get in the right mental state for the person I'll be portraying. A lot of time, it's just incorporating a lot of what that person would be into, into my daily routine.
My teacher in the seventh grade told me that if I didn't fool around during class, I could have 15 minutes at the end of the day to do a comedy routine. Instead of bugging everybody, I'd figure out my routine. And at the end of the day, I'd get to perform in front of my entire class. I thought it was really smart of her. It's amazing how important that was.
When it comes to exercise, it's really hard for me to have a weekly routine because my schedule changes daily. But I try to go jogging as much as possible - when I'm in L.A., I do it every day.
I'm a big sleep guy. I think my schedule sorta starts with sleep and making sure I get enough of it. I'm an eight-plus hours guy. I would love to sleep more. I definitely try to create a routine and not stray from that routine at all, but I will take advantage of having an off-morning. And I really have become a fan of the 20-minute catnap.
I say all the time that if you really want to feel alive, it's not through striving for yourself. If you really want to feel alive, it's not through trying to get more things or get more success or climbing a corporate ladder or getting to the top. Because, once you get there, you realize that you don't really find happiness in that. If you want to feel alive and if you want to feel peace and happiness, give your life away. Do something that is outside of yourself for someone else. I think that's the way to truly feel alive.
Routine is really important. However late you went to bed the night before, or however much you had to drink, get up at the same time each day and get on with it.
My routine is very simple because I realised that the more complicated the exercise sessions are, the less likely I am to make it for them. They have to be simple and doable in my daily routine.
Routines are normal, natural, healthy things. Most of us take a shower and brush our teeth every day. That is a good routine. Spiritual disciplines are routines. That is a good thing. But once routines become routine you need to change your routine.
Learn this great secret of life: What people call interruption or disturbance to their routine is just as much a part of living as the routine. To split life into two parts, one called routine and the other called interruption, is to be caught between them.
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