A Quote by Dylan Lauren

I can definitely eat more of some candy than I should, so I have found that if I have coffee or a chai latte, it curbs the sugar craving. — © Dylan Lauren
I can definitely eat more of some candy than I should, so I have found that if I have coffee or a chai latte, it curbs the sugar craving.
I'm not a coffee drinker, so my drink is kind of like a girlie skim chai latte. I'm not proud of it, but it's really good.
I look at pastries and cakes, tarts and pies. My body craves sugar, always craves sugar. Years of alcohalism and the high level of sugar in alcohal created the craving, which I feed with candy and soda.
Well, let's see, I found out Pagan has low blood sugar and becomes a complete b--witch if she doesn't eat a candy bar during a stressful moment.
I am on a sugar-free diet. I used to be a sugar addict where I would eat gummy bears and candy when I lived in Europe.
I wasn't allowed to have sugar as a kid. We didn't have candy or soda or anything, so Easter and Halloween were my favorite times 'cause I could eat as much candy as I wanted.
I definitely eat candy in bed. I eat candy wherever I am.
Oh yeah, I don't eat a lot of candy on tour. When I get home, man, I love candy. Oh, man, and ice cream. I can't eat it on tour because of the sugar and my throat.
I'm a chai tea latte monster. Anything syrupy!
I can't eat pure sugar. I can't have candy.
Coffee in Brazil is always made fresh and, except at breakfast time, drunk jet black from demitasses first filled almost to the brim with the characteristic moist, soft coffee sugar of the country, which melts five times as fast as our hard granulated. For breakfast larger cups are used, and they're more than half filled with cream. This cafe con leite doesn't re-quire so much sugar as cafe preto-black coffee.
I think about culture and values as curbs on a highway. When the curbs are high enough, a vehicle can veer to the left or right, but the curbs keep the car on the road. It is the CEO's job to build those curbs as high as possible.
I have a vanilla chai latte every morning, which I usually follow with an oatmeal raisin cookie and eggs for breakfast.
My mom didn't let me eat sugar or candy until I was older.
Black coffee is the latest fad I have picked up. Then there are my endless cups of chai! I'm trying to cut down and keep it to no more than three cups a day.
A boxer's diet should be low in fat and high in proteins and sugar. Therefore you should eat plenty of lean meat, milk, leafy vegetables, and fresh fruit and ice cream for sugar.
I crave sugar, but I try to get sugar from fruit as opposed to getting it from candy, cakes, or bread. Sometimes I slip, and I'll have a piece of chocolate, but dark chocolate is better than milk.
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