A Quote by Dylan Penn

I wear sunscreen every single day - I just don't go out of the house without it. I also try to get enough sleep, eat as healthy as I can and keep hydrated. I have very sensitive skin, and depending on what products are used on a shoot, my skin can break out in an instant.
I make sure that I exfoliate every single day. I have very dry and sensitive skin, and I break out occasionally, but my main thing is always moisturizing because my skin is so dry - whether that's twice a day or four times a day.
Since I was growing up in New Zealand where there's a hole in the ozone layer above us, we get so much sun damage to our skin, and the thing we can do to look after ourselves is use sunscreen during the day, but making sure your skin is well hydrated while you sleep.
I've noticed that the less makeup I wear, the less I need it because my skin starts to look better - my face doesn't break out as often and I have fewer skin problems because I'm not clogging your pores every single day with makeup.
I stay away from things that I know break me out - I am weirdly allergic to mango and almonds. I take evening primrose and supplements that have EFA fatty acids in them to just balance out my hormones and skin, and I take a lot of vitamin C. I drink a lot of water, try to eat really organic, and try to eat things that benefit my skin.
I travel a lot so I do everything I can to keep my skin fresh and hydrated. Whenever I fly, I make sure I have a clean face so I can give my skin a break.
I am very disciplined with my skin - I tone and I moisturize my skin twice a day. I also exfoliate, and I try to get a facial, like, once every two months.
Look for foods that create beauty from the inside out. Instead of coating yourself in chemical laden beauty products, why not try to get healthy skin from the foods you eat.
I always want to keep my skin clean when I get up in the morning, and I use sunscreen before I go out to the field.
Toner to remove make-up at the end of the day, clean the skin, and keep it fresh. Moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated - this is the most important! And I always like to travel with a mask.
When I started making enough money to afford high-end, fancy skincare products with sexy bottles and impressive claims, I decided to give them a try. As a result my skin acted up and got irritated. I think sometimes women may be overcleansing their skin. Some products and masks can be too aggressive and irritating for certain skin types. I believe the more simple, natural, and easy the skin care regime, the better off your skin will be.
I have the worst skin ever. If I don't take care of it religiously, I break out every single time without fail.
I don't do much for skin. Just drink water, try to get proper sleep, exercise, sweat it out, keep it moisturised, and most importantly, clean. That's basically what I do.
I never moisturised until I got skin cancer. It totally changed my opinion on moisturising. I used to think using a face protector was a bit of a girly thing, now I've worked out it's actually essential to keep your skin healthy.
I'm always trying new creams and products to keep my skin youthful, hydrated, and protected from the sun.
I have really sensitive skin, so all I use is Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser and Moisturizing Cream, and then during the day, I'll use CeraVe with SPF, but nothing crazy. My skin also gets really dry, so I do a mask from time to time - or if my skin is feeling dull, then I'll put one on.
I always wear SPF 30 sunscreen under my make-up, and I also wear a hat because taking care of my skin is important to me.
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