A Quote by Edna Ferber

It was part of theTexas ritual? We know about champagne and caviar but we talk hog and hominy. — © Edna Ferber
It was part of theTexas ritual? We know about champagne and caviar but we talk hog and hominy.
When a man is starving in the streets he is not thinking of bread and water, but of caviar and champagne!
Some people wanted champagne and caviar when they should have had beer and hot dogs.
Fame is like caviar, you know - it's good to have caviar but not when you have it at every meal.
When I'm in the bathtub, I could have my champagne here and my caviar, just to be glamorous enough. I work really hard and I deserve everything.
I'm not really interested in rappers who talk about rap. I don't talk about it, and I don't like listening to other people talk about it. So I stick to the things that I know. You know, things like cars, ultimate fighting. I have a lot of songs about cars, because they're a big part of my lifestyle.
If I can do something about it and won't because I want to hog the limelight, then I really have no right to talk about women's empowerment.
Caviar used to be my drug of choice, but since my husband is on a no-salt diet, I've kind of given it up. I still have dreams of sitting down and gorging, though. I love it with a good vodka; I don't like it with champagne.
For me music is central, so when one's talking about poetry, for the most part Plato's talking primarily about words, where I talk about notes, I talk about tone, I talk about timbre, I talk about rhythms.
I think that the language that we use is a ritual, that my [maternal] grandmother was called "Big Mama" is a ritual, that my daughter calls my father "Baba" and my mother "Mama" is a ritual. There are common African-American rituals that are a part of my experience. If I ever get married some day I would like to jump the broom.
In order to talk about what I really want to talk about, people have to know that my sexuality is a part of that.
I love champagne, but I don't have champagne every night. If I go out, and I want to have a drink, I'll have a glass of champagne.
When we know as much about people as hog specialists know about hogs, we'll be better off.
Any ritual is an opportunity for transformation. To do a ritual, you must be willing to be transformed in some way. The inner willingness is what makes the ritual come alive and have power. If you aren't willing to be changed by the ritual, don't do it.
The key to forming good habits is to make them part of your 'rituals.' I have a morning ritual, afternoon ritual, and Sunday ritual. It's one way to bundle good habits into regular times that you set aside to prepare yourself for the life you want. Rituals help you form habits.
[Ritual] dwells in an invisible reality and gives this reality a vocabulary, props, costume, gesture, scenery. Ritual makes things separate, sets them apart from ordinary affairs and thoughts. Rituals need not be solemn, but they are formalized, stylized, extraordinary, and artificial. In the name of ritual, we can do anything. We can do astonishing acts. In the end, ritual gives us assurance about the unification of things.
Fame to me certainly is only a temporary and a partial happiness ... fame is not really for a daily diet, that's not what fulfills you. It warms you a bit but the warming is temporary. It's like caviar, you know - it's good to have caviar but not when you have to have it every meal and every day.
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