A Quote by Edward Gibbon

Of human life, the most glorious or humble prospects are alike and soon bounded by the sepulchre. — © Edward Gibbon
Of human life, the most glorious or humble prospects are alike and soon bounded by the sepulchre.
I see a sea of networkers all doing and saying the same things. They look alike, act alike and sound alike when speaking to prospects. If you want to rise above the average, mediocre networker... then you have to think differently.
I could not sleep when I got on such a hunt for an idea until I had caught it; ...This was a kind of passion with me, and it has stuck by me; for I am never easy now, when I am handling a thought, till I have bounded it north, and bounded it south, and bounded it east, and bounded it west.
For my own part, I adhere to the maxim of antiquity, that the throne is a glorious sepulchre.
Christian worship is the most momentous, most urgent, most glorious action that can take place in human life.
There is a glorious pattern for every man's life, an individual, perfect patter. No two people are alike ... No two leaves are alike-no two snowstorms-no two sets of fingerprints. No two lives are alike, yet each life holds a divine pattern of unfoldment, a great and holy destiny, rich in achievement and honor. As you live true to the pattern of yourself, that deep, inner self, you will unfold as perfect, as joyous, as naturally beautiful as the tree will reach its full measure of fulfillment.
Coincidences, in general, are great stumbling blocks in the way of that class of thinkers who have been educated to know nothing of the theory of probabilities- that theory to which the most glorious objects of human research are indebted for the most glorious of illustration.
Glorious the northern lights astream; Glorious the song, when God's the theme; Glorious the thunder's roar: Glorious hosanna from the den; Glorious the catholic amen; Glorious the martyr's gore.
My prospects for life, though in a measure shaded with uncertainty, hardship and danger, are very animating and bright. My prospects for another life, blessed be God, are still brighter.
I have learned never to underestimate the capacity of the human mind and body to regenerate - even when prospects seem most wretched. The life force may be the least understood force on earth.
With code, what it means is what it does. It doesn't express, not really. It's a very bounded conversation. And writing is not bounded. That's what's hard about it.
So soon as this want or power [of love] is dead, man becomes the living sepulchre of himself, and what yet survives is the mere husk of what once he was.
It is glorious to be a member. It is glorious to have any office or calling in the Church, no matter how relatively humble the title may sound. I am impressed constantly with the fact that, regardless of our calling, we are all encouraged, we are all dedicated, and we are all working in the service of the Master.
Of the opinions of philosophy I most gladly embrace those that are most solid, that is to say, most human and most our own; my opinions, in conformity with my conduct, are low and humble.
There's unrecognizable change happening in Britain. The life prospects and job prospects, particularly of working-class people, have been severely dented. Without anyone being asked.
I have to say that Common is one of the kindest, most humble, grateful individuals that I've ever met in my life. I was profoundly affected by meeting him. I think he is an outstanding human being.
Life in the physical realm is glorious, and its purpose is to bring you happiness through the awareness of who you really are. So go into this magnificent world of your creation, and make your lifetime an extraordinary statement and experience of the most glorious idea that you have ever had about yourself.
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