A Quote by Emma Weymouth

Whatever I've done, if it's to represent something, to move something forward, if that's how it's being put, I'm thrilled. But it's really about our children's generation. They're three and one. Can you imagine, when they're in their 30s, what things will be like?
Heaven is something that we can easily get excited and thrilled about and look forward to. It will be like Christmas is for children, only it will be the greatest Christmas we've ever had!
The thing we need to work on as a country is our educational system. To me, that is something that our generation needs to be focused on. To make sure that for our next generation, every child - no matter what background, no matter what ethnicity, no matter whether they're whatever gender - that they are all educated to have real equal opportunity. That's number one for me. But I have no question that if it's not our generation that will make sure that that happens that it will be our children's generation.
Whatever we were saying in our music had to represent something and really stand for something. I just wanted to do something with purpose.
It was something I really wanted to do. I can't imagine what it will be like to carry the flag and walk through the doors of the stadium. I'm thrilled to lead the team.
I never dwell on what happened. You can't change it. Move forward. Don't waste your energy on being angry at something that somebody did six months ago or a year ago. It's over. Done. Move forward.
You know how we can be about things which sparkle and shine. We imagine they will put back something of what has been lost.
Before I had my first child, I never really looked forward in anticipation to the future. As I watched my son grow and learn, I began to imagine the world this generation of children would live in. I thought of the children they would have, and of their children. I felt connected to life both before my time and beyond it. Children are our link to future generations that we will never see.
I spent my 30s figuring out how to be a grown up, I guess. I loved my 30s! My 30s were really about being happy with what I was doing.
There's something about the American spirit -? inherent in the American spirit -- we don't hang on to the past. We always move forward.... We are going to leave something better for our children ?- not just here in the United States, but all around the world.
I do like a variety of things so I'm always interested in finding something that I haven't done before, if possible, to whatever degree that sometimes changes, and how much is something now that I wouldn't have a year ago but sort of based on what I've done recently as well.
I think in life the key thing is just to fight really hard to make sure something survives. If it looks like you've done everything you can to avoid failure, just move forward, move on and learn from it.
Our generation, and that of our children, will face its share of crises, just like every generation in the past. When those calls come, will you be ready? The answer depends on how we educate the next generation.
Overall, our population is in the worst shape it's ever been. Children are in terrible shape. We have absolutely unprecedented numbers of obese and overweight children - one in three now. A generation ago it was something like one in ten.
I do not think that there is any time in our history when things were perfect. I do not expect such times in the near future either. But I think every generation has to examine what needs to be done, what belongs to its peace and proceed. And so what needs to be done will change with time depending on the conditions, whatever the conditions happen to be. And they will not be the same for generation after generation.
Take the stupidest thing you've ever done. At least it's done. It's over. It's gone. We can all learn from our mistakes and heal and move on. But it's harder to learn or heal or move on from something that hasn't happened; something we don't know and is therefore indefinable; something which could very easily have been the best thing in our lives, if only we'd taken the plunge, if only we'd held our breath and stood up and done it, if only we'd said yes.
If we will build righteous traditions in our families, the light of the gospel can grow ever brighter in the lives of our children from generation to generation. We can look forward to that glorious day when we will all be united together as eternal family units to reap the everlasting joy promised by our Eternal Father for His righteous children.
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