A Quote by Errol Morris

You know, anything more negative, anything more disparaging, anything more adversarial than what [Donald Trump] does already. The mystery is how he's gotten as far as he's gotten.
You know what Donald Trump is more afraid of than anything else? A Black man with power.
I'm proud - or really more thankful than anything - for all the work that I've gotten.
I don't know that Donald Trump is anything more to Putin than what Lenin called a poleznye durak, a useful idiot.
I've just gotten better at partying. I haven't stopped or slowed down by any means. If anything, it's increased. But if anything, it's just more fun now.
When I was younger, I found it incredibly intimidating to audition for anything. As I've gotten older and had more experience and gained more confidence in myself, I'm able to quiet some of those demons a little more successfully.
I can't imagine anything more debilitating, anything more challenging, anything more thrilling than to get on a stage and do any kind of play. It is such a vulnerable place for any actor to be in.
Some people may complicate it for you, but the formula is simple: Love God more than anything else. More than your ego. More than your money. More than your desires...More than your sleep at dawn. Love God more than anything else, and submission comes natural. Love God more than anything else, and all goodness will follow.
I am so appreciative of all the attention I've gotten, especially since I don't ever consider myself anything more than a fan.
I'm not saying my teachers should have rapped my lessons or anything, but I feel if I had made more of a connection to them I would have gotten more out of school.
I think one of the core ideas in America has always been conversation and being able to question our systems of government, and being able to dictate our own communities and how we want this country to work. And I feel like we're losing part of that because of the way that even our current political campaign is centered more around celebrity than anything else, and so we're kind of losing conversation. We're still having conversations, but they seem to be more about like Donald Trump's hair and like memes of his face more than anything else.
If Donald Trump has proved anything, it is that there is nothing more powerful than a candidate's voice.
The secrecy thing has gotten to be more and more prevalent in films, and maybe that's good. It's nice to go see a film and not know anything about it. Sometimes I feel like we know too much about films.
I suppose more than anything, chefs have gotten better, which is great news, which makes my life a lot easier. I can be a lot more creative in terms of the menu.
I thought what Steve Bannon said was probably more chilling or more threatening than anything the president [Donald Trump]says, I mean, because he said, it's a constant day. We have to defeat the press.
As things have progressed and I've gotten older, I've gotten more and more involved on the producing side. It's been a natural progression. The more you become exposed in a particular medium, the more you can bring to the table and people start trusting you. You're valued a little bit more, so you have more of a voice. It's something I would like to do, through the rest of my career.
You look at these primaries so far, do you realize they don't like [Ted] Cruz either, Ted - Chris [Christie]. In fact, maybe they dislike Cruz more than [Donald] Trump. But Cruz and Trump are the only guys that have won anything. The establishment candidates in this race cannot get noticed.
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