A Quote by Freddie Wong

We're able to push the envelope with what we're doing, both on a technical and artistic level, which is the most that any filmmaker can ask for. — © Freddie Wong
We're able to push the envelope with what we're doing, both on a technical and artistic level, which is the most that any filmmaker can ask for.
I have been very, very fortunate on this show, on 'Suits,' where the writers do come to me, and they ask my comfort level and, if they want to push an envelope in a certain direction, if I'm okay with that. And, by and large, I am. I think it's important.
I really appreciate Barry Jenkins as a filmmaker and the fact that he's always wanting to push the envelope and challenge perspective and make people uncomfortable in a way that doesn't seem like it's allowed anymore.
I don't want to push the envelope. Let the envelope stay in the middle of the table. I'll just make you laugh.
If you want to be a filmmaker, ask yourself if you could imagine doing any other job. If you can, that’s a script!
Lance Armstrong pushes the envelope in terms of the human experience. You can have a personal best, you can push your own envelope. For Lance, the person pushing him is him. The only person he's competing with, I think, is himself. To push that limit to the next step. There's a lot to learn from him. Lots.
The best way to do comedy is to not filter yourself, and then you could always fix it later. You want to be able to push the envelope.
I love making films. I'm happiest when I'm doing it. For me, the fear is not being able to make the next thing and not being able, as a woman filmmaker and as a filmmaker of color, to put together the resources to make another thing.
I think comedy in the last 5-7 years is as good as it's ever been in America. I like it when people push it. You go through periods where people did not push the envelope. The more you push it, the funnier you get.
By far, the content of Canadian films. You're able to push the envelope in ways you can't in the U.S., I find. But also, because of the budgets and everything, it's all condensed, quick, and short.
I wanted to push the envelope, and I wanted to go so far as to actually offend both the liberals and the right. I think I have succeeded.
Many of my colleagues and I do films, which push the envelope and try to bring some change.
Running is a huge category for us. To be able to run to work and have lightweight, breathable, windproof materials you can chuck in your bag that work on technical level but also on a lifestyle level are really important to me. I work out - and I think most people do - and I want to encourage women and inspire them in a way that fits in with their lifestyle.
I've always challenged myself and the people who work with me to take new approaches to traditional business challenges, to push the envelope and constantly ask whether our sacred cows are still producing great milk.
There's a really fine line between artistic license and artistic licentiousness. And history is a lousy filmmaker. It doesn't give you all the ingredients you need. No story will quite fulfill that three-act structure.
Whether it's with a 'Metroid' experience or a 'Donkey Kong' experience, we're constantly looking to push the envelope on the IP versus doing sequential small iterations with a particular franchise.
My gift's primarily literary. That being said, I ended up a musician. By the time I made the bluegrass record...I'm more impressed with myself when I push the envelope musically than I am when I push it literality.
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