A Quote by Freja Beha Erichsen

To have power naps! In the past months, I have learned to have them everywhere I go, and that is key for my health. To eat healthy food is also essential - especially fruit, for the vitamins.
I used to love eating canned fruit. Once I learned how to read a food label, I learned that canned fruit is arguably the least healthy form of fruit consumption.
After waking up, I take my vitamins and eat fruit or, sometimes, bread with garlic, which is good for your health.
Vitamins ruined my life. Not that there was much left to ruin, but still. I know that blaming vitamins for my horrible life sounds strange. After all, vitamins are supposed to keep people healthy. Also, they're inanimate objects. But thanks to them I was stuck in the Jackson Center Mall watching my father run around in a bee costume.
Fitness starts at home. What you eat is what you will look, just as what you sow is what you reap. Eat good food: eat fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and don't go for sweet and trite food.
I was very healthy from a young age. I was always known as the healthy kid in my group of friends. My mom had us drink barley-grass powder, and I've taken vitamins and fish oil and multivitamins since I was a kid. My mom just had me doing that for a long, long time. And I enjoy eating healthy. It's not a chore to me to eat healthy food.
When you actually integrate the health savings from an improved food system, eliminating food deserts, ensuring that everyone can afford a healthy diet, that you don't have to be sort of a person of substantial means in order to have access to healthy food, there are remarkable health improvements.
To stay healthy, I like to eat healthy food. For example a lot of meat, pasta, vegetables and I also have to drink a lot of water and drinks with electrolytes in them.
...but with the hours I sometimes kept at the coffeehouse I had to have learned to take naps during the day or die, and I had learned to take naps. Up until five months ago "something or other or die" had always seemed like a plain choice in favor of the something or other.
If you’re concerned about your health, you should probably avoid products that make health claims. Why? Because a health claim on a food product is a strong indication it’s not really food, and food is what you want to eat
When we feed people, we should only feed them healthy food. They go to the government because they don't have any other choices. So it's almost a betrayal when you know someone has no other choice but to eat what you give them, and you're giving them food that feeds their chronic diseases.
I wouldn't say I eat fruit all the time. If I'm in the mood for fruit, I'll eat it. I try to get some kind of fruit throughout the day or every couple of days. I usually go for bananas to keep the cramps away.
For me, healthy eating and exercising is something I work on constantly. I'm not the most disciplined dieter. I try to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables but sometimes late at night I tend to have fast-food meals - and that's where I get myself into trouble! So I'm not in the best shape I could be, but I'm still healthy and comfy.
I take echinacea to ward off colds and I go through phases of taking vitamins, but I'd rather eat a lot of fruit and veg than take pills.
I think it's possible to have food that's healthy, that's good for you to eat, that's also inexpensive. We don't have to have this cheap, unhealthy food being so aggressively promoted.
Balanced, sensible nutrition: eat food, not too much, mostly plants, a healthy diet ala Michael Pollan, modern physical activity on a daily basis, modest weight loss - translated into a 58% reduction in the occurrence of diabetes. A clear indication of the power of lifestyle over health. The challenge now is the development of the community-based programs that will translate what we learned in the diabetes prevention program and put it to work in every town in America.
I'm a very, very healthy eater. I eat lots of fish, lots of vegetables, lots of fruit. I don't eat junk food.
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