A Quote by Gene Wilder

When your mother gives you confidence about anything that you do, you carry that confidence with you. — © Gene Wilder
When your mother gives you confidence about anything that you do, you carry that confidence with you.
When your mother gives you confidence about anything that you do, you carry that confidence with you.She made me believe that I could make someone laugh.
The runway isn't just about showing fashion, it's about gaining confidence. And I really believe that once you've got your confidence, you can wear anything, you can do anything.
Enthusiasm is my superpower. One might say that confidence yields the same result. I disagree. Confidence is about yourself, enthusiasm is about something else. Confidence is impressive, but enthusiasm is infectious. Confidence is serious, enthusiasm is fun.
Genuine confidence is a way of thinking about yourself and your abilities. Confidence is your perception of your own potential; it's a kind of long-term thinking that powers you through the obstacles and tough times, helping you solve problems and putting you in the way of success. Your confidence is quite a separate matter from your social skills.
Underlying the whole scheme of civilization is the confidence men have in each other, confidence in their integrity, confidence in their honesty, confidence in their future.
You must not lose confidence in God because you lost confidence in your pastor. If our confidence in God had to depend upon our confidence in any human person, we would be on shifting sand.
Confidence is not lodged in people's brains, it comes from the support system that surrounds them. Let's not confuse confidence overall with just self-confidence. Self-confidence is only one part of confidence. People also need confidence in others - their colleagues and leaders - that they can count on them to do the right thing and not to let them down.
Power is confidence. The confidence to deliver your answer when you're in a board meeting is what will allow you to move up faster. The confidence to be yourself in front of people creates a separation.
The search for information gives me more confidence, because confidence arises from understanding.
When you please your mother by doing something, it gives you confidence that you can please other people.
One of the biggest gifts you can give a child is confidence, because confidence will take you miles - more than talent, more than anything else. So yes, I want my children to have confidence and to be kind.
The world's greatest need . . . is mutual confidence. No human being ever knows all the secrets of another's heart. Yet there is enough confidence between mother and child, husband and wife, buyer and seller . . . to make social life a practical possibility. Confidence may be risky, but it is nothing like so risky as mistrust.
For me, style is all about confidence. What you wear, both in terms of clothing and jewellery, should add to your confidence.
It gives the guys confidence and self-belief. Two or three years ago I think we would have lost it. The confidence that we have, we can actually nail it.
Honesty is the mother of confidence; it unites, combines and solidifies society. Dishonesty is disintegration; it destroys confidence; it brings social chaos. . . .
It's not just about fashion and confidence in what you look like. It's confidence in anything you do. It's knowing you're the best, knowing you're bound to be great, killing it in every aspect of life.
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