A Quote by Gretl Braun

[Eva Braun] went to the Nurnberg party rallies starting in 1935. She was there twice and stayed at the Hotel Deutscher Hof, the hotel [Adolf] Hitler had always stayed at while there. It was endless subterfuge in order to see him and then only for a few hours, then she had to sneak back to the banishment of her own room.
[Eva Braun] also stayed with [Adolf Hitler] at the Hotel Imperial in Vienna, the Hotel Dreesen in Bad Godesberg and a few other places. I was never with her in these places, though my mother was there in Vienna.
I knew [Eva Braun] wrote to [Adolf Hitler], I would see her writing to him and I would see her reading his notes or letters. She kept all that in a safe at the Berghof and nobody got near that safe except Hitler or Eva.
[Eva Braun] loved [Adolf Hitler]. She would have done that had she been able to spend 10 minutes with him. She endured a lot on his behalf, there's a great deal on that subject to be said.
If we had had the right technology back then, you would have seen Eva Braun on the Donahue show and Adolf Hitler on Meet the Press.
I'm quite sure it happened in Berlin too when Eva [Braun] stayed there later on. I wouldn't know about that because I was scarcely ever there myself. I don't want to suggest she was crying all the time, but then they had their arguments, she was very downcast until she had cried it through. It happened on occasion.
Eva [Braun] loved [Adolf] Hitler and he was the only man in her life. She flirted and danced with other men but never would she have done more than that.
My father would never have come to visit, he detested Eva's [Braun] choice in a man and the fact [Adolf] Hitler had set her up in an apartment. To him it was deeply humiliating that she was living with a man at his own whim at an apartment he was paying for.
I knew when they [with Adolf Hitler] had been fighting because Eva [Braun] always reacted the same way. She would lock herself in her bedroom and cry and cry, sometimes for a long time.
Eva [Braun] also cried when [Adolf Hitler] would leave her for long periods. She was inconsolable without him, that was a never-changing refrain.
[Eva Braun] lived life with [Adolf] Hitler, when he was away, she just filled up her time without Hitler. That was the sum total of it, really.
[Eva Braun] would also refer to [Adolf Hitler] as "the boss" (der Chef), but she never called him "Adolf" or "Adi" to anyone after the very early days. It was always der Führer.
I've stayed in so many hotel rooms that I'm shocked if, when I stay in a hotel room, the hotel phone isn't on the desk. Then I'm like, "This isn't a real hotel room." If there's not outlets next to the desk, or if they have an iPhone adapter for an iPhone 4, that's when I'm sitting there annoyed. I understand that it's ridiculous, but that's just me spending way too much time in hotels.
In front of other people it was almost always "Fräulein Braun." Just as [Eva Braun] called him "der Führer," [Adolf Hitler] called her "Fräulein Braun."
[Adolf] Hitler and Eva [Braun] jointly came to that decision, I think. Hitler wanted me there for security reasons and to keep Eva company, she wanted me there because we were both still very young. I was 20 years old, to live on my own would have been daunting. I wouldn't have done it and neither would she.
While we were shooting the movie, we shot in the actual hotel in Hong Kong where it all went down, the Mira Hotel. Laura Poitras was coming to Hong Kong to do a screening of Citizenfour, and she ended up staying at the Mira Hotel. It was her first time back in Hong Kong, and I ran into her in the elevator. Literally I had just finished shooting one day, and I came back to the hotel and she was in the elevator.
I saw a few lines from a few, there were hundreds of them, all [Adolf Hitler] letters and [Eva Braun] replies written on carbon paper. I just saw that her letters to him were lengthy, his were much shorter. I wouldn't intrude on their privacy and I had given her my word.
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