A Quote by Guy Ritchie

One of the interesting and exciting things about my job is watching technological ground being pioneered. — © Guy Ritchie
One of the interesting and exciting things about my job is watching technological ground being pioneered.
What's interesting about the shift from an industrial age to a technological age is that we keep inventing new media: movies, records, radio, television, the Internet, and now ebooks - and one of the things that's most interesting about the invention of a new medium is watching it reinvent itself as it penetrates the culture.
One of the exciting things about being a believer is watching God unveil His plan for our lives.
You never know why or when the next job is coming. I actually like that. It's kind of exciting. I don't punch in. I don't have a 9 to 5 job. When you do work you're lucky enough to go to interesting places and meet mostly interesting and talented people, so it's really a great job if you can work.
When being a stunt double, my job has always a supportive role, which is interesting, really. Part of what I really like about it is making a situation where people can just come out of their shell and be super bad-ass. That's exciting!
As an actor, it's my job to make everything interesting and exciting and new. If I'm not doing my job well, then I'm stealing.
I always wanted to have a young female artist that would tell me the truth about life and not only talk about the good things or the things that were exciting or interesting but also talk about the things that people in general are skeptical to talk about- the bad things that do happen. A good 50% of our lives is things that are happening that we're not necessarily super thrilled about and I feel like that's missing from pop music a lot of the time so my main goal is to be truthful about everything and not just specific things.
Being able to sign for a club like Bayern Munich is exciting. I've been dreaming about this since I was a kid. Those are the guys that - you know - as a kid, I was looking up to. Watching them on TV, playing with them on FIFA. Getting to be able to meet them and being able to play on the team is just exciting.
I like the idea of taking what is essentially a boring, officious job and turning it into something that is a fantasy, to a degree. I suppose there is a juxtaposition involved in that because you do have to be a civil servant but you're doing a tremendously exciting job, or potentially an exciting job, or a glamourous job.
What's interesting about science is that we're constantly discovering new things about the universe, about ourselves, about our bodies, about diseases, about the possibilities of the future. It's amazing. Science is one of the coolest things about being a human being - without a doubt.
Other people's creativity inspires me. Seeing great art, or reading a fab book or watching an interesting documentary or an exciting film - these things make me want to let my own imagination fly.
One of the joys about my job is that I've been able to constantly move and keep changing. The whole point of being an actor is you change your exterior everytime you do a new job and that's what keeps it exciting.
I've always made a point of playing parts where weight has nothing to do with it, and not just weight but looks. It's about being funny and being interesting, and I think there are a lot more interesting things to play than being overweight.
It's interesting that the worse things get, the more we believe the next technological fix is going to get us out of it. But it's like being in quicksand: the more you struggle the deeper you sink.
One of the most exciting things about supporting West Bromwich Albion was watching Johnny Giles play in the late '70s.
All I care about is that people are being entertained. It's not about being the world champion [in wrestling], it's about exciting the people. If you walk away entertained, then I did my job, and that's all I care about.
One of the things about crowd work that's so exciting is when you discover a character in the audience who's interesting or funny, who you can vibe off of. If someone's got a weird job that you can make reference to throughout, or you can bring that person onstage - humiliate them, or celebrate them! You can put people in conversation with one another. The best is when something that they're doing can reflect back on something that you're doing.
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