A Quote by Guy Ritchie

I like the idea of taking what is essentially a boring, officious job and turning it into something that is a fantasy, to a degree. I suppose there is a juxtaposition involved in that because you do have to be a civil servant but you're doing a tremendously exciting job, or potentially an exciting job, or a glamourous job.
I don't act because I love doing it, I act because it's my job. At the end of the year, I gotta pay my taxes, bills, doctors, insurance, car insurance, the occasional vacation. It's a wonderful job. The upside is that it is exciting and different... the downside is that it is an extremely insecure job.
Crime is a job. Sex is a job. Growing up is a job. School is a job. Going to parties is a job. Religion is a job. Being creative is a job
As an actor, it's my job to make everything interesting and exciting and new. If I'm not doing my job well, then I'm stealing.
I worked in a boutique after work, my second job, selling women's clothes. And that was a way of not just making money but meeting women. That was very exciting job. I loved that job.
You never know why or when the next job is coming. I actually like that. It's kind of exciting. I don't punch in. I don't have a 9 to 5 job. When you do work you're lucky enough to go to interesting places and meet mostly interesting and talented people, so it's really a great job if you can work.
Doing a job RIGHT the first time gets the job done. Doing the job WRONG fourteen times gives you job security.
If I'm doing a job, I'll give it 100%, and that job gets my absolute focus, and everything else goes to the side. Then, that job is finished, I'll concentrate on the next job.
I would be lying, if I said that sometimes it is just a job that you show up for because you're getting paid, and that's important, too. But, if you can be in a state of mind where you enjoy your job, whether it's just a job, or it's actually cathartic for you, or it's something personal. I think it would be much easier to be content with doing a good job.
Moving to L.A. and making albums was an exciting outlet, but I always thought I'd be slumming it job to job in N.Y.C. with hopes of being on Broadway!
When a person applies enthusiasm to his job, the job will itself become alive with exciting new possibilities.
The job of an editor in a publishing house is the dullest, hardest, most exciting, exasperating and rewarding of perhaps any job in the world.
I feel incredibly lucky at this moment in my career to get paid to do basically exactly what I always wanted to do. I appreciate that in general. But you know, like any job, a job is a job, and there are days that are going to be boring, or you have a boss you don't like, or people you work with.
Economics works great for planning your life when you don't have a work passion, since we tend to assume that your job delivers only money and you trade off job hours with leisure hours. If you think your job will just be a job, pick one that pays well per hour and leaves you some time off, even if the activity of the job is boring.
I've been really lucky because when I go out to L.A. it's for a job, not to look for a job. That's the way I like L.A. most - when I already have a job.
It's nice to have recognition for doing a good job, but at the end of the day, I'm just an actor and I'm doing my job and I'm always trying to get better at doing that job.
You can have a job and then it can be gone the next day. I've never become so emotionally attached to a job. So going back to Days' for a return, a revival of Eric in a different manner, was exciting for me.
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