A Quote by Heather Hart

It’s better to do one thing well than ten things poorly. — © Heather Hart
It’s better to do one thing well than ten things poorly.

Quote Author

Heather Hart
Born: 1975
I can't stand things that are poorly made or shoddily conceived. I feel like I'm being insulted when something is poorly designed, poorly made. It's like whoever made that thing didn't respect the rest of us enough to do it well.
Too often the educational value of doing well what is done, however little, is overlooked. One thing well done prepares the mind to do the next thing better. Not how much, but how well, should be the motto. One problem thoroughly understood is of more value than a score poorly mastered.
There may often be excuse for doing things poorly in this world, but there is never any excuse for calling a poorly done thing, well done.
From one week to the next, everything changes from who you're playing to the defense's scheme. You just try to build on the things that you did well and correct the things that you did poorly in the game; then, move forward from there and hopefully continue to get better and better and better as you move forward.
One thing I struggled with early in my career was the delicate balance between my performance and my identity. When things on the field went well, I was cheerful and felt important. When things went poorly, my countenance and self-concept plummeted, and I was not pleasant to be around.
To understand one thing well is better than understanding many things by halves.
It is ten thousand times cheaper to pay the best spies lavishly than even a tiny army poorly.
If we speak poorly about that which we do well... people will assume we perform poorly!
The mysterious thing about writing poetry is that when you're - when things are going poorly, when you're not thinking well, even making two sentences together is extremely hard and I just can't make the connections.
I think that we as a people are always prone to think about, well, tomorrow will be a better day. Well, why will it be a better day? And I think the more that we believe in doing things better, doing the right thing rather than hoping that that's going to happen, let's make it happen.
A bad plan that is well executed will yield much better results than a good plan that is poorly executed.
It's what I do well - I write about things that make people uncomfortable. That's probably the only thing I do better than my peers.
Science can be introduced to children well or poorly. If poorly, children can be turned away from science; they can develop a lifelong antipathy; they will be in a far worse condition than if they had never been introduced to science at all.
Everyone can probably do at least one thing better than ten thousand other people.
Well I think in all the thirty years I've been doing this now and being gone from home and all that stuff it's really, it's not about what I've achieved and if I've become a better player, or played better ten years ago than I do today.
If you do the best you can, you will find, nine times out of ten, that you have done as well as or better than anyone else.
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