A Quote by Heidi Klum

I've been heartbroken. I've broken hearts. That's part of life, and its part of figuring out who you are so you can find the right partner. — © Heidi Klum
I've been heartbroken. I've broken hearts. That's part of life, and its part of figuring out who you are so you can find the right partner.
We thought the hard part was over—but we were wrong. Living is the hardest part. Figuring out how to live your life when you’re all busted up inside and out—there is nothing harder.
The job of every generation is to discover the flaws of the one that came before it. That's part of growing up, figuring out all the ways your parents and their friends are broken.
The public saw my father right out of central casting. He looked the part, acted the part... he was the part! The real life Godfather.
If you can do any favor for yourself, if you want to understand yourself, if you really want to build anything for yourself, try to make a plan to have a cozy home and a cozy partner. When even God may leave you, your partner should not-that kind of partner; a partner who does not know how to part. If your partner knows that he can part, he does not yet have the power to unite.
When weight loss becomes a goal in your life, eating right and exercising are just two pieces of the puzzle. Figuring out why you've put on the extra weight is the hardest part.
The easy part of being an artist is figuring out the message that everyone else is ready to hear. The hard part is waiting for the proper lull to make the announcement.
I think anybody who's been a part of a kid's life, you hope that when they go out into the world, that they surround themselves with the right people and don't find themselves in trouble.
Finding love is a two-part process. The first part is to find the right person. The second part is to be the right person.
Adoption has been a part of my life and a part of my family, so it was how I wanted to start. It felt natural and right to me.
I realized that I was connected to Africa. I wasn't just a Colored girl. I was part of a whole world that wanted a better life. I'm part of a majority and not a minority. My life has been a life of growth. If you're not growing, you're not going to understand real love. If you're not reaching out to help others then you're shrinking. My life has been active. I'm not a spectator
Part of strategy is figuring out what you're good at, figuring out what you're not good at, and then getting yourself in position to succeed by doing mostly what you have a competitive advantage doing.
Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else.
I want to have a big family. My parents have been together for 36 years, and that is what I want. I am in that place. It's all good in that part of my life. It's one part of my life that I'm learning about every day. I've been challenged a lot by it, but it's the most rewarding part.
Broken bottles, broken plates, broken switches, broken gates. Broken dishes, broken parts, streets are filled with broken hearts.
I've definitely had my moments in relationships where I've been able to say yes, I have been heartbroken, my heart has been broken.
Sometimes it takes the better part of a lifetime to find out what your passion is, but in my observation, if you do, it might be the best part of your life.
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