A Quote by Henry Selick

I was at Disney for about four years, so I made good friends there. It was a time of not a lot of creativity. It was the end of the first great era, with a few of the original animators. They called them the Nine Old Men. I learned a lot from them, but it wasn't going to be a future home for me.
I started out as a producer. and I used to work at Disney. and I worked with a lot of the animators and went on to become great friends with a lot of these guys and worked on a lot of projects together.
I think that's what I learned a lot from Odd Future. I learned a lot of great things from them, but one of the mistakes that they made was that we didn't stay together, and we didn't communicate. We never had meetings. Everybody had issues with everybody else and wouldn't talk about it.
McLeod's Daughters was my first regular job out of drama school, and my first full-time role. That was great because I learned a lot, in terms of working in front of the camera. I learned a lot of technical aspects that you take for granted once you know them, but you have to learn them somewhere, along the way. It was a bit of a training ground for me, working in front of the camera and also dealing with media.
Even though the money is great and the fame is great, you still have a lot of disenfranchised young men that are participating in the NFL that are not very happy. A lot of them are very bitter. A lot them are very angry. So many of them have had no fathers and no home life, and basically, no education.
This new generation of animators was trained in CG. They know all the fundamentals of any 2D animator, but a lot of them learned on these CG rigs. You give them a good rig, and they can make that thing sing.
I learned so much stuff at Hoffenheim and made a lot of friends. I also made good connections with the managers. They taught me a lot that I can take on in my career.
When I was younger, I did a TV show in the U.K. for a couple years, and I learned a lot from that. It taught me a lot about being known amongst your peers and having to deal with a lot of derision from them.
The first pair of boots I remember owning were Puma Spiders - I still have them in a cupboard at home! They were fantastic boots. I was nine-years-old and I scored about 70 goals with them in a season.
I know a lot of Disney Channel stars. I hang out with Debbie Ryan. Me and Ryan Newman hang out a lot, and I know a lot of them from 'Friends for Change' - we all meet from there. It's cool. Everybody is like family at Disney Channel. All the stars are so fun and nice, so it's really fun to hang out with them.
A lot of my friends have been collectors, and I owe a lot to them. I'm always interested in sharing collections and learning that way. I used to trade tapes a lot. I still have a few friends who I trade music with, but it's hard to find the time. I miss that.
I auditioned for 'Coco' when I was nine years old, and I had no idea I was auditioning for a Disney/Pixar movie. When I was 10, they told me that it was going to be a Disney/Pixar movie, and I was just mind-blown. I was so shocked and thankful that I was going to Pixar.
If I ran a school, I'd give the average grade to the ones who gave me all the right answers, for being good parrots. I'd give the top grades to those who made a lot of mistakes and told me about them, and then told me what they learned from them.
Too many of Disney animators, and a lot try to emulate Disney, are trying to hit what they call quality levels. They're boring mannerisms.
I have always loved sneakers and sweaters, and I wear a lot of them. And a good t-shirt or a pair of jeans can make you feel so good. And then I love great coats, and I pay a lot of attention to them and own a lot of them. I think a great piece of outerwear can really make you stand out.
I don't think I changed a lot although I learned a lot. Adversity can be a wonderful teacher. Some people can't handle the pressure of it. For me it was a great thing. I learned about myself going through tough times. I guess I learned well.
I'm not an original member, though I'm sort of an original member. I've been on a lot of records and took them to great heights. For them to make me the sixth Temptation is quite an honor.
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