A Quote by Herodotus

Calumny is a monstrous vice: for, where parties indulge in it, there are always two that are actively engaged in doing wrong, and one who is subject to injury. The calumniator inflicts wrong by slandering the absent; he who gives credit to the calumny before he has investigated the truth is equally implicated. The person traduced is doubly injured--first by him who propagates, and secondly by him who credits the calumny.
A man calumniated is doubly injured -- first by him who utters the calumny, and then by him who believes it.
A man calumniated is doubly injured - first by him who utters the calumny, and then by him who believes it.
The more I loved the king, the more I opposed his injustice until his brow fell lowering upon me. He heaped calumny after calumny on my head, and I chose to be driven out rather than to subscribe.
The upright, if he suffer calumny to move him, fears the tongue of man more than the eye of God.
Calumny is a vice of curious constitution; trying to kill it keeps it alive; leave it to itself and it will die a natural death.
Something of calumny always sticks.
Calumny crosses oceans, scales mountains and traverses deserts, with greater ease than the Scythian Abaris, and like him, rides upon a poisoned arrow.
Neglected, calumny soon expires, show that you are hurt, and you give it the appearance of truth.
He has outsoared the shadow of our night; envy and calumny and hate and pain, and that unrest which men miscall delight, can touch him not and torture not again; from the contagion of the world's slow stain, he is secure.
Calumny is the offspring of Envy.
Where there is calumny, there is Satan himself.
Calumny is only the noise of madmen.
There is something mean in human nature that prefers to think evil, that gives a willing ear and a ready welcome to calumny, a sort of jealousy of goodness and greatness and things of good report.
Genius involves both envy and calumny.
To persevere in one's duty, and be silent is the best answer to calumny
Contempt is the only way to triumph over calumny.
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