A Quote by Hilary Rosen

We are going after a targeted group of businesses that are creating opportunities for themselves using other people's property. The Internet has very little to do with this.
Just like the Internet disrupted the publishing industry, we're going to see Bitcoin micropayments creating some very interesting opportunities for pay-as-you-go, pay-based-on-time online businesses and, frankly, some risks as well to the traditional business model as to how things get sold online.
It's very difficult to be asking other people for opportunities. It is much more empowering to be creating opportunities, to be the one who is saying, 'Look, I'm going to take this from the ground up and create a story that is meaningful to me as an Asian American and cast it with Asian Americans and have Asian Americans writing it.'
If people perceive themselves as having very little opportunities to be fulfilled, then it cheapens their life and outlook. The solution is to reverse it; make sure they know opportunities abound.
You have 1 billion people using the Internet with 200 million of those now using broadband internet connections, so the Internet has become a powerful network. It can carry calls.
ISIS is recruiting through the Internet. ISIS is using the Internet better than we are using the Internet, and it was our idea. What I wanted to do is I wanted to get our brilliant people from Silicon Valley and other places and figure out a way that ISIS cannot do what they're doing.
History contains little beyond a list of people who have accommodate themselves with other people's property.
In the wake of digitalization megatrends such as mobile Internet, the Internet of things, and big data, digital innovations are creating development opportunities faster than ever.
We need to see many more people starting businesses and becoming their own boss, but the squeezed middle exists as much within this group as in the population at large as rising costs are hitting small businesses - who after all are consumers too.
My purpose is to create circumstances, environments, businesses and communities where I am fully expressing my creative gifts with the intention to inspire other people to feel like they belong - first to themselves and then to a group that shares their common interest.
Internet entrepreneurs are using technology at every level of their company - from a one-person agency to a small firm, the newest technological advances are interwoven throughout every aspect of Internet-based businesses.
We targeted five industries for growth, industries where we have natural advantages in North Dakota: value-added agriculture, advanced manufacturing, technology-based businesses, energy and tourism. We worked very hard to grow all those businesses, and that's what's happening.
Women are not going to start businesses because we tell them we don't have enough people of a certain group. People want to start businesses because it's a way of fulfilling their ambitions and dreams.
In my view, the state should be active and work in cooperation with private businesses to spur growth that's sustainable and inclusive. The policy process is about co-creating and co-shaping of markets, creating new opportunities for business investment - and negotiating a better deal for the public too.
I think that with the Internet, it has given a lot of people the opportunity to get themselves out there to the masses. But it's easy to group everyone that's on the Internet together. I try to cross and jump around between genres and different styles, kind of find my own niche.
As I got further into my career, as a character of color, if I was going to have the types of opportunities I felt I deserved, and continue to have them, I was going to have to start creating those opportunities for myself.
We're seeing an enormous amount of global upward mobility that's quite rapid and quite sudden, and undiscovered individuals have a chance - using the Internet, using computers - to prove themselves very quickly. So I think the mobility story will be a quite complicated one.
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