A Quote by Holly Madison

I'm happy single, but I'm happy in both cases. I feel like I definitely thrive more as a human and I'm more successful when I'm single. — © Holly Madison
I'm happy single, but I'm happy in both cases. I feel like I definitely thrive more as a human and I'm more successful when I'm single.
Oh God, are there so many of them in our land! Students who can’t be happy until they’ve graduated, servicemen who can’t be happy until they are discharged, single folks who can’t be happy until they’ve found a mate, workers who can’t be happy until they’ve retired, adolescents who aren’t happy until they’re grown, ill people who aren’t happy until they’re well, failures who aren’t happy until they succeed, restless who can’t wait until they get out of town, and in most cases, vice versa, people waiting, waiting for the world to begin.
Here's conventional wisdom: Success makes you happy. Happiness permits you to be generous. In fact, it actually works like this: Generosity makes you happy. Happy people are more likely to be successful.
Everyone who has observed human behavior for more than thirty continuous seconds seems to have noticed that people are strongly, perhaps even primarily, perhaps even single-mindedly, motivated to feel happy.
For me, the times in my life when I've been single have been more formative and crucial than I could have imagined. I can cope, function and be happy on my own. I'm highly capable. That doesn't mean I don't like being with a partner, or that I don't feel more rounded when I'm with someone. But the times on my own have been so good.
I definitely always took my problems and turned them into music, and the more I can make myself feel happy, the better. But yeah, I definitely feel like music was always a place for me to, like, escape to. I just love songs that are fantasy.
I think it's more important to concentrate on trying to be, simply, happy. Once you've known deep despair, you feel even more motivated to be as happy as possible. That's how I feel.
I choose to surround myself with happy human beings. I went through the angsty period. I think every single person does. I think it's a rite of passage to hate the world and feel like the victim.
The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you.
To those out of work, it may seem unfair for someone to complain that they aren't happy with the type of work they are doing, but the more we like our jobs, the better we do them. In the long run, this doesn't just make us happy - it makes businesses more successful and increases employment even further.
Relaxing, experiencing nature and laughing are what rejuvenate me and make me feel happy. I believe that when I feel happy, that's when I look beautiful... I make a point of laughing out loud every single day.
Every single day I want you to be happy and full of joy, just like you make me happy by just passing through my mind.
I was definitely scared of fashion growing up just because I didn't want people to think I was gay. But now that I'm out, I feel like it's such a personal journey for me that I'm going on every single day where I feel more and more confident and comfortable to wear the clothes that I want to wear, and to have the interest that I have, and to paint my nails if I want to.
If I were single and had my career, I'd be happy. You have to be happy with what you're doing.
Contemporary research shows that happy people are more altruistic, more productive, more helpful, more likable, more creative, more resilient, more interested in others, friendlier, and healthier. Happy people make better friends, colleagues, and citizens.
I just want the fans to be happy, and if they're happy, I'm happy. And yes, most definitely, I am definitely a fan.
If you’re not happy single, your not gonna be happy married.
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