A Quote by Jake Allen

It's tough to look great as a goalie. Most of the time, you're the one either letting in a goal or losing the game, so no one wants to say anything or upset you, but at the end of the day you might need some talking to.
Most of the time my own family feels like I don't need anything, I'm tough as nails and I don't have any feelings about anything. They really think that I'm this super tough person. I have a tough exterior, but I get upset. I have feelings and all those things. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
It is pretty tough for a goalie when you look at it. You're always the last line of defense. If you let a goal in, you can't go to the bench and hide between the guys or anything
You might be talking to someone who relates a song to losing a friend and you end up talking in the most intimate way. You can get so engaged that you end up in this existential conversation.
I did some years of therapy and self-realization, and I just move and think at a slower pace - doesn't make me sound very smart! But really not reacting and doing more listening than talking, and letting people say what they need to say, and then maybe not saying anything at all.
Some shots, for me, are a good shot even if it's forced. The way it might look to a person watching, they might look at it like, 'That's a tough shot.' But for me, it's not a tough decision. I'm committed to those shots, and I spend time working on them.
We're allowed to say wonderful things about the Royal Family in the House of Commons. What you're not allowed to say is: anything that might be truthful, but that might upset them. So from time to time I've been pulled up because I've said things which I think are important.
Everyone wants to play in the fourth quarter, everyone wants to close the game. It's the most important time of the game, so being out there is great.
No one wants to be picked at. At the end of the day, we're all human beings with feelings and emotions. Nobody wants to be critiqued and picked apart, but it's the nature of the business. It comes with the territory. For me, if they're not talking about you, that's where you can run into some trouble.
Greg Kaidanov tried to get me to view his behavior as part of what makes him great - if he wouldn't get so upset about losing, he'd never maintain the level that he has. I see his point, but somehow I can't accept the idea that these sorts of verbal assaults on people are justified, no matter what their end goal is.
A lot of times, I'll have a goal, I'll start writing, and I'll end up in some far off place, which is good. It's nice to have a focus, but letting the lyrics write themselves where they need to go is important.
A game is where you win and lose, and both are part of it. When there is more chance of losing, it is more charming. The game has value when it is tough. So some little problems that come in life are part of the whole game.
I started playing soccer at age 6 and played both outfield and goalie. Back then, no one wanted to go on goalie - coaches would make deals with me so I'd do it. It's a tough position as a kid.
In a relationship when things are really great you don't need to say anything and just enjoy the other person. Sometimes with a couple, it gets dark and you don't know what to say and that silence can last all day. Other times you don't want to stop talking because you don't want to lose one another.
One of the first people that believed in me, the first person to invest in my talent, me and this guy used to argue all the time in the studio, but at the end of the day, we both realized that we were after the same goal, and that was to make great music. And I'm talking about Eazy-E.
A winner is someone who can look in the mirror at the end of the day and say in pursuit of my goal and dreams I gave my best.
I like the idea of going out with a woman and not doing anything, and just eating dinner and talking, and that's cool, too. So, someone might look at me and say, "No way, man. He's just banging strippers." And I do that, but not all the time.
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