A Quote by Jeff Olson

Surround yourself with people of like mind and different talents and temperaments with the purpose of serving the goals of every member of the group. Associate with these people on a regular basis.
As we grow older, we should learn that these are two quite different things. Character is something you forge for yourself; temperament is something you are born with and can only slightly modify. Some people have easy temperaments and weak characters; others have difficult temperaments and strong characters. We are all prone to confuse the two in assessing people we associate with. Those with easy temperaments and weak characters are more likable than admirable; those with difficult temperaments and strong characters are more admirable than likable.
Associate yourself with people who think positively. You cannot surround yourself with negative people and expect positive outcomes.
Surround yourself with people you like and respect; surround yourself with people you just want to be around and keep making things.
I think what people need to realize is that, with trans people, we're like everybody else. No group of people are all the same. All women are not the same, all men are not the same, all children are not the same. It's the same thing with trans people - we're all so different, we have different goals, different dreams, and different aspirations.
The people who put limits on your abilities, goals, or dreams, may not be the people you want to associate yourself with.
When I was a kid, there was no collaboration; it's you with a camera bossing your friends around. But as an adult, filmmaking is all about appreciating the talents of the people you surround yourself with and knowing you could never have made any of these films by yourself.
To believe in yourself and to follow your dreams, to have goals in life and a drive to succeed, and to surround yourself with the things and the people that make you happy. This is success!
Always surround yourself with people who are better than you. If you're hanging around bad people, they're going to start bringing you down . . . But, if you surround yourself with good people, they're going to be pulling you up.
Believe in your work, educate yourself about the business, surround yourself with good people, set goals and timetables and stay focused on them.
Surround yourself with really good people. I think that's an important thing. Because the people you surround yourself are a reflection of you.
There's a powerful transformative effect when you surround yourself with like-minded people. Peer pressure is a great thing when it helps you accomplish your goals instead of distracting you from them.
Surround yourself with good people; surround yourself with positivity and people who are going to challenge you to make you better.
Surround yourself with good people, surround yourself with positivity and people who are going to challenge you to make you better.
I've had my heart broken in a lot of different ways a lot of different times by different people - whether it be a family member, a girlfriend, a friend, just all types of relying on people, making yourself vulnerable to people.
I learned that everybody is not your friend. You have to watch who you associate with and surround yourself with positive things and people who want to do something positive.
Like, when we did Parliament and Funkadelic and Bootsy, it was actually one thing. But there were so many people that you could split them up into different groups. And then, when we went out on tour and they [the record companies] would see us all up there together - we had five, six guitars playing at one time, not including the bass! -, they said: "Wait a minute, that's just one whole group, selling different names!" But it wasn't - we had enough people in the group that each member would have a section to be another group. So now we're finally starting to get them to understand that.
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