A Quote by Jenna Morasca

In the game of 'Survivor,' there is no time for regrets. — © Jenna Morasca
In the game of 'Survivor,' there is no time for regrets.
I see myself as a survivor, and I'm not ashamed to say I'm a survivor. To me, survivor implies strength, implies that I have been through something and I made it out the other side.
Over time as most people fail the survivor's exacting test of trustworthiness, she tends to withdraw from relationships. The isolation of the survivor thus persists even after she is free.
We didn't know each other well. I never had the time. Now I see that it doesn't make any difference. The ones who hurry and the ones who take their time all end up in the same place. Just don't have any regrets. No regrets.
I don't do regrets. Regrets are pointless. It's too late for regrets. You've already done it, haven't you? You've lived your life. No point wishing you could change it.
Every decision I've made in my career was just to play, to try and get as much game-time as possible. I can't say I've got too many regrets.
'Survivor' is a game that's designed to be played with strangers, people with varied backgrounds from all parts of the country. The greatest part is that you can go into the game as anyone you want, hold any job you desire, and portray any personality you can think of.
With every decision you make in your life, you're going to have some regrets about the way it goes. You just have to chose which set of regrets you can live with the best, and try to minimize the amount of regrets you have.
I got a lot of criticism for going back on 'Survivor' to play 'Survivor: All Stars.'
I like 'Bootylicious,' 'Survivor' - my little granddaughter loves 'Survivor.'
I don't believe in regrets. I don't think regrets actually exist. I think regrets are things people make up in their heads. So, I don't regret anything. Everything turned out exactly the way it was supposed to.
I don't like it to be compared to 'Survivor.' The idea of 'Survivor' is to kill each other off to win the prize. There's no killing in Gilligan's Island.
The truth is that History, with its imposing capital H, is simply the amalgamation of many quotidian lives lived in very ordinary ways. History is always personal. If you read Holocaust survivor or American slavery survivor narratives, you realize all too well that these great Historical moments were personal to someone at some time.
This is a job and Survivor is a game show. So, this is something to take seriously and work really hard at.
'Survivor' was not fixed. There's no way to fix 'Survivor.'
I have no regrets on anything. People ask me all the time, 'Do I have any regrets?' I don't have any. If I could back and do it all over, would I change anything? No.
I have done a lot greater things than 'Survivor.' Going through SEAL training was much harder than 'Survivor.'
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