A Quote by Jessica Mulroney

Even when you work from home, getting yourself dressed is the first step. I often find there are days where I'll be in my pajamas all day. I feel like a useless human being.
Step by step, you make your way forward. That’s why practices such as daily writing exercises or keeping a daily blog can be so helpful. You see yourself do the work, which shows you that you can do the work. Progress is reassuring and inspiring; panic and then despair set in when you find yourself getting nothing done day after day. One of the painful ironies of work life is that the anxiety of procrastination often makes people even less likely to buckle down in the future.
I feel like I am nowhere near perfect and I have my really rough days and my really off days, but I think being aware of it is the first step to helping yourself.
Some days I don't feel confident wearing, like a crop-top. So, when you're getting dressed for the day, gravitate towards items that you feel comfortable in. Don't feel pressured to follow some trend.
I've always wanted to do an adult cartoon, because I want a job where you can just drive up in your pajamas, have a cup of tea and not even get dressed, and you've gone to work for the day. What a great gig!
Every day, every one of us sets the stage for our sentiment, our confidence, and our success by getting dressed. When you feel great, when you feel your best, it opens up a world of possibility. Feeling confident and self-assured are important inputs into good days, successful days, and happy days.
I'd rather go to a flea market than just about anything. It's the process I like - the same with getting dressed. If I've got someplace to be, I'll spend more time getting dressed than I spent at the actual event. Sometimes. Even in my own closet, I love to dig and search and find.
My main question that I ask of my characters is, 'What does it feel like to be you? And how do you get through the day? Where do you find the hope and faith to endure getting through the days, and what are your days like?'
In a small affair or in a big affair, first consult yourself and find out if there is any conflict in your own being about anything you want to do. And when you find no conflict there, then feel sure that a path is already made for you. You have but to open your eyes and take a step forward, and the other step will be led by God.
I go through periods where I don't really care what I look like, because I feel more focused on the work that I'm doing, and I don't want to think about it. And then sometimes it feels like the biggest part of my day is getting dressed.
Going to work is probably my favorite thing to do. I do that five days a week for probably ten hours a day, but it doesn't even feel like work and it shouldn't. When you enjoy a job so much like I do, it's not work, it's play.
I try to write every day, preferably first thing in the morning. Of course, there are days when something happens to interfere with this ideal schedule. Then I try to find time later in the day. I usually work at home, but sometimes, for a change I'll go to a library or a cafe. And I like to read poetry before I sit down to write.
I'm a big believer in evolution, growth, and in being the best you that you can be, and I feel like the first step to doing that is getting mentally healthy.
Remember my first tenet in getting dressed is how you feel in the morning. So if you're not being true blue to that, it usually shows.
I guess you're happy if you have some kind of balance in you. I'm a human being. I have days when I feel paralyzed, days when I feel like a slug. Then I have days when I have good energy, I've read the newspaper and I've done different things.
I get an award for being the best dressed, but at the end of the day I'm not Daphne Guinness. I don't like people to look at me for my dress. The letter is more important than the envelope. But if you feel good in your envelope, then you will feel better about yourself.
If you feel a sense of social responsibility, first of all keep working on yourself. Being peaceful yourself is the first step if you want to live in a peaceful universe.
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