A Quote by Joanna Krupa

Being a star comes with not just fame and fortune, but with awareness and responsibility. — © Joanna Krupa
Being a star comes with not just fame and fortune, but with awareness and responsibility.
It's not that I'm not grateful for all this attention. It's just that fame and fortune ought to add up to more than fame and fortune.
I was really uncomfortable with fame. I mean, it's lovely and flattering, and you enjoy all the razzmatazz and being flown around, but when people suddenly call you a star, you think, 'I'm not a star, I'm just playing a star role.'
To put it simply - you know, a lot of people believe that the benefit of this job is fame and fortune. I believe that you pay for the fortune through the fame. I don't buy into the notion that being famous is somehow a good thing, or an exciting thing, or a wonderful thing.
I want that Sinatra type of fame. It's not the 'Whoever's the hot pop star at the moment' fame. It's the 'Walk into a room and everybody just kind of politely nods their heads' fame. Sinatra fame.
I want to shout out the stars on the walk of fame because they said something about they're not going to put my girl on the Walk of Fame because she's a reality star. It's like, people are so so dated and not modern. There's no way that Kim Kardashian should not have a star on the Walk of Fame. It's ridiculous concepts. I'm just going to give y'all the truth and you're just going to love it.
Everyone from the pope to some hobo thinks, "I'm a human being. What am I doing here?" You can't get carried away with fame and fortune and all that. It's all nonsense. The whole pop-star side of it is all fun and good, but you don't get anywhere without putting in the hours. I get so fulfilled when we play a song live that we spent hours working on. It's all cool. Fame is something to have fun with, but you shouldn't take it too seriously because it is bollocks.
Fame and fortune should never get in front of your passion. The passion will generate the fame and fortune, if you're good enough.
That equals to being a fool, having fame and no fortune. A lot of guys out there have fame doing this and doing that, but they are broke.
A life lived with integrity - even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune is a shinning star in whose light others may follow in the years to come.
A life lived with integrity - even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune is a shining star in whose light others may follow in the years to come.
Responsibility, n. A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload it upon a star.
There was just this stage where I realised that people were listening to what I was saying and I could actually say something I believe in and, like... why wasn't I doing that? It's not because I think I have a responsibility as a pop star or whatever; it's because I think I have a responsibility as a human being.
In England, ballet is kind of closed. They are opening up a little bit, but it was always something not for the general public. So you don't get fame, like a football star or a film star. And if you don't get fame, you can't do other stuff.
I do wonder if it's my responsibility to spread a message of environmental awareness or political awareness or just, like, don't be racist or whatever, but I don't want to be the person who's like, 'Everyone be vegan forever!'
It's amazing, the things you learn, the experiences you go through, the feeling of being like a rock star that goes with being a University of Kentucky basketball player. Just the ability to feel fame for the first time - that's something Kentucky gives you.
Just so people know, the Silverlake Conservatory of Music is not at all about celebrity or fame or being a star. It's an academic music school.
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