A Quote by Johnny Cash

When God forgave me, I figured I'd better do it too. — © Johnny Cash
When God forgave me, I figured I'd better do it too.
If Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the cross, and if God forgives you and me, how can you withhold your forgiveness from someone else?
If you believe in God you get to the point where (you feel) "Yeah, you know what, God forgave my sins but I still have to forgive myself."
When I was going blind, I didn't turn to God. It didn't seem to me then - and it doesn't seem to me now - that those items were His concern. Early on, I figured I better begin to learn how to count on myself, instead of counting on supernatural forces.
What if I forgave myself? I thought. What if I forgave myself even though I'd done something I shouldn't have? What if I was a liar and a cheat and there was no excuse for what I'd done other than because it was what I wanted and needed to do? What if I was never redeemed? What if I already was?
We could not become like God, so God became like us. God showed us how to heal instead of kill, how to mend instead of destroy, how to love instead of hate, how to live instead of long for more. When we nailed God to a tree, God forgave. And when we buried God in the ground. God got up.
You can't be afraid to not have everything figured out. There's too much pressure on young people today to have it all figured out when they're in college.
They say that when god was in Jerusalem he forgave his murderers, but now he will not forgive an honest man for differing with him on the subject of the Trinity. They say that God says to me, "Forgive your enemies." I say, "I do;" but he says, "I will damn mine." God should be consistent. If he wants me to forgive my enemies he should forgive his. I am asked to forgive enemies who can hurt me. God is only asked to forgive enemies who cannot hurt him. He certainly ought to be as generous as he asks us to be.
The girls took into their own hands decisions better left to God. They became too powerful to live among us, too self-concerned, too visionary, too blind.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Indeed, when God's glory dwells in me, there is nothing too far away, nothing too painful, nothing too strange or too familiar that it cannot contain and renew by its touch. Every time I recognize the glory of God in me and give it space to manifest itself to me, all that is human can be brought there and nothing will be the same again.
I figured I couldn't love you as much as I do, without you feeling something for me too.
If someone came to me and said, "Your strategy in your post-presidency is brilliant," as if I had figured out a way to make me look better, to me, that analysis is amusing.
I was nourished and nurtured at Stratford as a very young actress. They guided me and forgave me!
The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering his standards.
I don't think the English like me. I sold a colossal best seller in America, and they never really forgave me.
My relationship with God has gotten better and stronger for the simple fact that I understand it a lot better. You know, to me, God's my best friend.
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