When you treat reprehensible and ludicrous arguments with respect you have elevated the reprehensible and made the ludicrous a bit more reasonable. Having a serious argument with a Nazi makes the horror of the Holocaust a debatable point. Don't wrestle in the mud with pigs. You get dirty and the pig likes it.
Administrators are like pigs; don't wrestle with a pig because you both get dirty and the pig likes it.
Don't wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.
I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.
I remembered something my first partner had told me. Never wrestle with a pig, Lindsay. You both get dirty. The pig likes it.
The wheels are turning, but the hamsters are all dead. Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot. I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig, you get dirty; and besides, the pig likes it.
Don't ever wrestle with a pig. You'll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it.
Comedy springs from the ludicrous; but the ludicrous is stuck in the muck of reality, resolutely hostile to what is impossible.
When you get in the mud with a pig, you get dirty and the pig gets happy.
Whether or not you agree that trimming and cooking are likely to lead on to downright forgery, there is little to support the argument that trimming and cooking are less reprehensible and more forgivable. Whatever the rationalization is, in the last analysis one can no more than be a bit dishonest than one can be a little bit pregnant. Commit any of these three sins and your scientific career is in jeopardy and deserves to be.
Never get into a wrestling match with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it.
Never wrestle with pigs. You get dirty and they enjoy it.
We will rise above the lies, the smears, the ludicrous slanders from ludicrous and very, very dishonest reporters.
To be in love with someone and be raising a family with someone and want to make that commitment and not be able to is ludicrous, just ludicrous.
Dictators are ludicrous characters, and, you know, in my career and in my life, I've always enjoyed sort of inhabiting these ludicrous, larger-than-life characters that somehow exist in the real world.
When you wrestle with a pig, he has fun, and you just end up dirty.
I grew up on a pig farm, about 2,500 pigs - we had way more pigs than people.