A Quote by Jordyn Woods

I feel like you'll be most successful in life if you just try to block the noise, sometimes the hate can be louder than the love. — © Jordyn Woods
I feel like you'll be most successful in life if you just try to block the noise, sometimes the hate can be louder than the love.
I love photo shoots where I can be like a pinup, not myself. Where I can be feminine, glamorous, dark not like in real life. I hate it when you go in and they want you to be 'natural,' to be yourself. I just hate it. I love having fun. When they ask you to smile, I hate it. Of course I smile in my real life, but to do it on cue, that's not spontaneous. I'd rather do something that's like a little movie, like a little story, rather than just me, I feel naked.
Love Is Louder is a movement that is hopefully going to bring some awareness and make some noise when it comes to teens who are feeling suicidal or even just sad, outcasts, and being bullied, and really feel like they have nowhere to turn to.
I stay in my little bubble - that is what I try and do. There is always noise out there and distractions, but you just have to block all that noise out.
Sometimes you have to take the risk that somebody will consider what you're making is noise, but if you don't try it, then nothing will move forward. I'd rather people hate something than just go 'meh.'
Sometimes there's too much noise about what's happening, but this is Barcelona - it is a big club. Sometimes people make more of things than they have to. We need to try to close the team away from all that noise outside.
To me, the best music always comes when - it sounds cliche, but you just try to block out the noise and try to not have any pressure with it and take your time.
God created you with special talents for a purpose, and sometimes those we love most don't understand that. Don't let the doubts of others ring louder than God's whispers to your spirit. Sometimes God's whispers are harder to hear, but they're to be trusted the most.
Actions speak louder than words. And sometimes inaction speaks louder than both of them.
Out of hate, if you try to love that love will just be a hidden hate; it cannot be anything else-you are full of hate. Go to the preachers and they will say, "Try to love." They are talking nonsense because how can a person who is full of hate try to love? If he tries to love, this love will come out of hatred; it will be poisoned already, poisoned from the very source. And this is what the misery of all preachers is.
Sometimes you feel like the people who invest in hate are winning. Then you just want to talk about love and what it really means to love yourself.
Something that I think I figured out slowly was if you're playing a show and there's a chatter or there is, you know, a lot of noise - people talking or something - I was never the one whose instinct was to try to be louder than them.
there is no noise louder than a silent phone.
Because sometimes there's more worth in silence than noise. Sometimes everything you need to know is contained in that small quiet space. Sometimes we get so caught up in distraction and noise and seeking other people's approval we forget the quiet seed of truth that lives in our hearts. But just because we fail to tune in to it, doesn't mean it's not there.
To be a fashion critic is easy because you just say, 'I love it, I hate it,' but life is more than love and hate.
With social media, there is a fashion that we speak louder than we think. It has just become a platform where people just judge and spread anger and hate.
That’s what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is....Most people love you for who you pretend to be....To keep their love, you keep pretending - performing. You get to love your pretense...It’s true, we’re locked in an image, an act - and the sad thing is, people get so used to their image - they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains. They forget all about who they really are. And if you try to remind them, they hate you for it - they feel like you’re trying to steal their most precious possession.
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