A Quote by Julie Taymor

One of the reasons I love to jump back and forth between mediums is that film does allow me to be more literal. I can go to the real place. I can go to the Coliseum, and I don't have to fake it.
Sometimes you can fall into bad habits on film or rest on your laurels, and you can't do that in theater. I think it's such a useful tool as a person and as an actor to go back and forth between those two mediums.
In an ideal world for me, I would like to go back and forth [between film and theater]. I kind of want to do it all
I've enjoyed the singular focus of not going back and forth between the two mediums. It isn't about the screen size so much as film being where the stories I'm most interested in telling happen to be at.
I like to go back and forth between film and theater. When I do film, I miss theater and vice versa.
One of the core reasons for creating 'Station to Station' was to provide a space for exploration and cultural friction between different mediums. It should be natural for mediums like music, film and art to cross over, and we wanted to empower that process.
You know why I love Chicago? Because this is just like Baltimore. Like, you can't go to Baltimore and be fake. They gonna point you right out, like, "Nah, you fake, go ahead outta here." They're going to chew you up and spit you out if you're fake. And if you come to Chicago, you can't be fake, in terms of the love and the concern. You gotta be real. Your good intentions - people want to feel that. We don't get enough of that.
There's a literal track: who says what to whom, what are people wearing, etcetera. And there's the abstract track: what ideas are suggested by the literal. And the real movie takes place in the relationship between the literal and the abstract.
I just feel like it's so amazing every few years when I'm not making a film to act and basically go back to film school and just watch other filmmakers work and try to be a part of somebody else's vision. So I feel like you do use two very different parts of your brain, and it's great to be able to jump back and forth.
Go back, go back to sleep. Yes, you are allowed. You who have no Love in your heart, you can go back to sleep. The power of Love is exclusive to us, you can go back to sleep. I have been burnt by the fire of Love. You who have no such yearning in your heart, go back to sleep. The path of Love, has seventy-two folds and countless facets. Your love and religion is all about deceit, control and hypocrisy, go back to sleep. I have torn to pieces my robe of speech, and have let go of the desire to converse. You who are not naked yet, you can go back to sleep.
The more freedom I allow myself as a writer to wander, become lost and go into uncertain territory - and I am always trying to go to the more awkward place, the more difficult place - the more frightening it is, because I have no plan.
I actually find in America, there's a slight snobbery about actors who go back and forth between big heavy dramas and popcorn fare. That always intrigues me, because that doesn't exist in the same way in Britain. And I imagine it would be worse. In terms of the sort of class, and the sort of snobby, slightly on the back-foot thing Britain has. But it's much more prevalent in America. I'm really intrigued by it. I don't know why that is. But I'm aiming to break down those barriers by being in a Shakespeare film and a Smurfs film within six months of each other.
When I need inspiration, I usually go into a creative "slump" and become a total sloth. I watch a lot of movies, read a lot, go see shows, and go for walks. I don't really touch my instruments because it's like I'm collecting data. I love film. I love reading. Those two mediums are often more inspiring than listening to an awesome record. Seeing what somebody else is doing in another field, it's like, "Wow! That's amazing! I want to be amazing at what I'm doing!"
I'd love to go back to Broadway if there was a place for me there. I would absolutely go back; it's just a part of me.
What Republican voters have shown us is that when they have the choice between the real thing and the fake one, they go with the real one every time.
I'm drawn more to quality, and so if the quality is in television, I go in that direction. If it's in film, I go in that direction. But I don't limit myself or discriminate against any of the mediums.
I honestly go back and forth in my head about using advanced and innovative technologies for creating my characters. There's something more 'real' and charming when the characters aren't perfect. It's the difference between anything that's built by a computer and machine versus the same thing being made by hand.
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