A Quote by Juvenal

Let me moderate our sorrows. The grief of a man should not exceed proper bounds, but be in proportion to the blow he has received. [Lat., Ponamus nimios gemitus: flagrantior aequo Non debet dolor esse viri, nec vulnere major.]
Every man should stay within his own fortune. [Lat., Intera fortunam quisque debet manere suam.]
There is no grief which time does not lessen and soften. [Lat., Nullus dolor est quem non longinquitas temporis minuat ac molliat.]
Man should ever look to his last day, and no one should be called happy before his funeral. [Lat., Ultima semper Expectanda dies homini est, dicique beatus Ante obitum nemo et suprema funera debet.]
I know that we women are all justly accounted praters; they say in the present day that there never was in any age such a wonder to be found as a dumb woman. [Lat., Nam multum loquaces merito omnes habemus, Nec mutam profecto repertam ullam esse Hodie dicunt mulierem ullo in seculo.]
Mental stains can not be removed by time, nor washed away by any waters. [Lat., Animi labes nec diuturnitate vanescere nec omnibus ullis elui potest.]
Modesty becomes a young man. [Lat., Adolescentem verecundum esse decet.]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin mattis faucibus imperdiet. Donec at nibh quis sapien vehicula sodales nec vel dolor. Etiam ullamcorper fermentum turpis sit amet vulputate. Quisque tortor odio, consectetur non congue id, hendrerit sit amet ipsum. Aliquam feugiat vulputate arcu, at consequat risus.
It is a great plague to be too handsome a man. [Lat., Nimia est miseria nimis pulchrum esse hominem.]
Man is subject to innumerable pains and sorrows by the very condition of humanity, and yet, as if nature had not sown evils enough in life, we are continually adding grief to grief and aggravating the common calamity by our cruel treatment of one another.
Let those who have deserved their punishment, bear it patiently. [Lat., Aequo animo poenam, qui meruere, ferant.]
To blow and to swallow at the same time is not easy; I cannot at the same time be here and also there. [Lat., Simul flare sorbereque haud facile Est: ego hic esse et illic simul, haud potui.]
I do not wish to die: but I care not if I were dead. [Lat., Emori nolo: sed me esse mortuum nihil aestimo.]
Adde, quod ingénues didicisse fideliter artes Emollit mores, nec sinit esse fervos. To be instructed in the arts, softens the manners and makes men gentle.
Let no one honour me with tears, or bury me with lamentation. Why? Because I fly hither and thither, living in the mouths of me. [Lat., Nemo me lacrymis decoret, nec funera fletu. Faxit cur? Volito vivu' per ora virum.]
Hath God obliged himself not to exceed the bounds of our knowledge?
Death is not grievous to me, for I shall lay aside my pains by death. [Lat., Nec mihi mors gravis est posituro morte dolores.]
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