A Quote by Karen Civil

I don't have family in this business. I had two parents that loved me, that worked 24-7, and this is what instilled hard work in me. So you hear the stories about my upbringing, my religion.
My dad is a part of who I am, and he was a very hard working person and someone who worked to achieve his goals and make sure his family is straight and I always admired that. My mom worked so hard. I had two hard-working parents around me.
My parents worked very hard for everything that they got. Their parents worked hard. It's just something that is passed down to you, and whatever you want to accomplish, you have to work hard to get it, and that's always been that mentality that my family has, and I think that's something that was passed on to me.
My parents are hard workers and they showed me what it means to work hard. I would give a lot of the credit to my parents for where I'm at and who I am. They both worked multiple jobs to make sure me and my siblings were able to play sports and have a home. I'll never forget how hard they worked and that always motivates me.
Look, everything that you experience as a kid is the foundation of how you are today. I was brought up in a working class family in Leeds and when it comes to money both my parents worked hard and instilled the same attitude into me.
I had parents who instilled in me the importance of love, morals and hard work. I give God all the glory because he has brought me through so much.
My granddad was a hard worker, and my dad is, too. It was instilled in me as a kid. I never got pocket money; I had to earn it. I had two paper rounds before school, not just one. Wherever I worked, whether it was at football, in the pub, I'd do whatever was asked of me - and more.
What parents and teachers and caregivers did with me that actually worked and a lot of that was the old fashion 50s upbringing. They just gave the instruction when I did something wrong - life was more structured. So basically it's [my work] based on experiences with me that worked and it was teachers and parents that made me have those experiences.
My parents instilled a lot of American values in me. They encouraged me to work hard and told me that anything was possible for me because I was a citizen.
I put my family first, and that's why for a long time, you didn't see me dating or hear about me dating or hear about me out. I had other focuses in my life, and that would be my family and my work.
I've always wanted to partner with a family business because their stories inspire me. One of my biggest hopes is that the family will invest in me, educating me about their business, and imparting many other valuable lessons. This process of helping an owner transition her business to trusted hands really excites me.
A lot of my family weren't present when I was young, so I was getting a lot of stories told to me about them. Certain members of family had reputations because they were involved in crime and stuff like that. Then, when I was out on the streets, I'd be hearing more stories about them. So I think my whole upbringing was just heavily story-oriented.
My parents were both born and raised in the Depression. They instilled great values about integrity and the importance of hard work, and I've taken that with me to every job.
You have to work hard if you want something, and my parents instilled that into me when I was really young.
I never borrowed money from Mom. I lived at home, but my parents never helped me. I worked hard and moved out. I treated my blog like a business; hard work is important.
I had a very difficult childhood. I was surrounded by people who had both parents, which made me feel different. Having a bit of a rougher existence early on, it made me appreciate the work ethic that my grandparents instilled in me.
It's far more difficult being a small-business owner starting a business than it is for me with thousands of people working for us and 400 companies. Building a business from scratch is 24 hours, 7 days a week, divorces, it's difficult to hold your family life together, it's bloody hard work and only one word really matters - and that's surviving.
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