A Quote by Kellyanne Conway

Donald Trump has - he`s endorsed Kelly Ayotte. He endorsed Paul Ryan. He endorsed John McCain. He`s been incredibly gracious. I think he`s done his part to unify the party by becoming president for nominee fairly and squarely.
I think Donald Trump's reaching out and supporting John McCain and Kelly Ayotte in particular, and Paul Ryan, who had been critical of him, you know, a couple of days earlier, shows that he has the ability and the understanding to realize that there are going to be disagreements and you've got to be able to reach out to the entire party.
I was just endorsed by ICE. They've never endorsed anybody before on immigration. I was just endorsed by ICE. I was just recently endorsed - 16,500 Border Patrol agents.
This has never happened to a major - to a nominee of a major party just a few days ago Donald Trump was endorsed by the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan. They wrote their endorsement under the slogan of his campaign, "make america great again." Do any of us have a place in Trump`s america?
Donald Trump just happens to be one of those who endorsed me I do not want to see as president of the United States.
It's probably why the 330,000 members of the fraternal order of police endorsed Donald Trump as the next president of the United States of America, because they see his commitment to them.
A person like Donald Trump, who has said what he's said about Muslims, Mexicans, women, George Bush, John McCain - a person like that should not be the nominee of our party or be the president, and I will campaign for an alternative to Donald Trump until that avenue is no longer open.
I'm here to say enough is enough, and that folks who look like me should feel that there is an opportunity for them in the Republican Party. I'm proud to be in this party, I'm proud to be endorsed by President Trump.
I haven't endorsed John McCain. And I've never been there with John McCain because I've always felt that he should've done a much better job for the vets. He has not done a good job for the vets and I've always felt that he should've done a much better job for the vets.
I stood by Ted Cruz in 2012. I endorsed President Trump in 2016.
Donald Trump has a plan, that he laid out in Arizona, that will deal systematically with illegal immigration, beginning with border security, internal enforcement. It's probably why for the first time in the history of immigrations and customs enforcement, their union actually endorsed Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, because they know they need help to enforce the laws of this country.
Despite saying the letters 'LGBTQ' at the RNC, Donald Trump consistently endorsed anti-equality positions.
I also think regime change in Syria is a bad idea. And that's an ongoing question. It's one of the things I like about Donald Trump, one of the reasons I endorsed him is he thinks regime change is a mistake. But John Bolton thinks completely the opposite. They are diametric opposites.
I think that the politicians who were beaten by Donald Trump and then endorsed him, that's something that they will carry and should carry, for the duration of their career.
Now I think liberals have gone from underreacting to Trump and saying that Trump is just a clown and a buffoon, and that Hillary Clinton's going to kick his ass, to now overreacting, and saying, "Oh my God, 60 million people consciously endorsed a white supremacist for president."
I endorsed Governor John Kasich for President because I felt like he was the most qualified and the best person to lead our nation.
When my good friend Jeff Sessions endorsed Donald Trump, that was good enough for me.
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