A Quote by Kevin Reilly

I, for one - I'm not a believer that, now that the Facebooks and Googles and everyone is entering the content fray, that it's a foregone conclusion that they're just going to get it right and be amazing at it. It's really hard.
We're heading towards a perception tipping point where it's going to soon become a foregone conclusion that not only has Newark turned a corner, but it's way down the right road.
Hundreds of these companies I've seen since the beginning stages - including Dropbox and Airbnb - one of them has actually been crushed by an incumbent. The Googles, the Twitters, the Facebooks, they might be someone to acquire you, which is not necessarily a bad position to be in.
Part of the elasticity that you need, in order to continue to try to create, is the foregone conclusion that not all of it is going to be fabulously successful. But it's all going to be part of a long lifetime body of experimentation.
Something like Shakespeare in Love, which became such an established hit that it now seems like a foregone conclusion... but it really wasn't. The script was around for a very, very long time and had people chickening out all the time.
In the long term everyone traffics in foregone conclusions, and in the short term they just get drunk. This is the way it has always been. Some half-assed ambiguity masquerading as mystery is all anybody's really looking for.
I've been star-struck once. I'm a strong believer that everyone's just a person. Whether you've seen someone on screen do something amazing or they're super famous or whatever, everyone's just a person, and they do exactly what all people do.
Film work can be anything from just really hard and stressful and you're subjected to really weird deadlines to really draconian and weird and disconnected. You're working in service of the thing, and that can be really amazing for everyone involved, or be kind of just a waste of time.
I live for the moment. I'm basically a Buddhist-type person. I'm just here right now, and I don't think about what's going to happen a hundred years from now. I try to concentrate on what's going on right now. But I'm really trying to run this company like it is going to be here a hundred years from now. That's what's important.
It's amazing that my career took off from my living room. It's an amazing time when everyone has a platform and everyone has the ability to get where they're going without the middle-man.
I never set out to do this; I never set out to say, 'Can I break this record?' Then all of a sudden, the preparations made for the celebration put pressure on me. I said, 'Okay, I have to get there.' After 2,130, there was sort of a realization it was a foregone conclusion you're going to play tomorrow.
Rocky is a very predictable movie. The ending is a foregone conclusion.
Right now everyone is able to have a real voice and have it be nice and loud. Being loud is a really important thing right now. It's an amazing thing to watch. It's important because making noise makes change.
Seems like it's going to be really hard to make money at it, and, therefore, really hard to get any great games done. Much like Flash games, the audience is huge, but the content isn't likely to be good enough to have people pay for it.
Technology creates the context for persuasion, but content persuades. Technology helps get content to the right people at the right time. The content still has to influence. Delivering the wrong content at the right time is as bad as delivering the right content at the wrong time.
It's just like we do over here in America, right? It's amazing that we have presidents over here do the same thing, right? It's amazing that Bill Clinton could do one thing and have sex with his secretary and really get away with it and still be powerful.
You know, running a restaurant is something you have to be working at each and every day; it's not a foregone conclusion that you're a success.
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