A Quote by Kevin W. Pearson

If you lose the Spirit, you are lost. — © Kevin W. Pearson
If you lose the Spirit, you are lost.

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When money is lost, a little is lost. When time is lost, much more is lost. When health is lost, practically everything is lost. And when creative spirit is lost, there is nothing left.
If you lose your wealth, you have lost nothing; if you lose your health, you have lost something; but if you lose your character, you have lost everything.
If we lose the spirit of 'go,' we have lost the very Christian spirit itself. A disobedient church will become a dead church. It will die of heart failure.
Money lost-nothing lost, Health lost-little lost, Spirit lost-everything lost.
The fans, man, the fans have a little different way of thinking. They really applaud the spirit of fighters, and that put a huge influence on the type of energy I fought with, rather than if I won or lost. America's a real win-or-lose culture, where with the Japanese, fighting with spirit is enough.
I am not yours, nor lost in you, not lost, although I long to be. Lost as a candle lit at noon, lost as a snowflake in the sea. You love me, and I find you still a spirit beautiful and bright, yet I am I, who long to be lost as a light is lost in light.
There's no one to beat Cejudo. He's too tough, man. That fight he lost to Benavidez, I don't think he lost that fight. It was tough, but he didn't lose that one. You can put anyone in there with him, he won't lose.
And the lost heart stiffens and rejoices in the lost lilac and the lost sea voices and the weak spirit quickens to rebel for the bent golden-rod and the lost sea smell quickens to recover.
Death is not an ending, but a symbol of movement along the path upon which we are all traveling. As it may be painful to lose contact with the physical aspect of one we love, the Spirit can never be lost. We have been and always will be a part of each other.
The man who tries to be funny is lost. To lose one's naturalness is always to lose the sympathy of your audience.
You can tell yourself that you would be willing to lose everything you have in order to get something you want. But it's a catch-22: all of those things you're willing to lose are what make you recognizable. Lose them, and you've lost yourself.
When people have nothing left to lose, and they've lost everything, they lose it.
Everything to lose, nothing to lose, someone's taken it, or you've lost it.
Human nature is full of riddles; . . . one of those riddles is: how is it that people who have been crushed by the sheer weight of slavery and cast to the bottom of the pit can nevertheless find strength in themselves to rise up and free themselves first in spirit and then in body while those who soar unhampered over the peaks of freedom suddenly lose the taste of freedom, lose the will to defend it, and, hopelessly confused and lost, almost begin to crave slavery?'
When you lose the shootout, you feel like you lost the hockey game, ... But we didn't lose the hockey game. We lost a point and they gained a point. That's the reality of it.
That transformation is to lose everything is an understatement so vast as to be without meaning. One has to lose everything, and one has to lose the one who has lost everything.
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