A Quote by Lauren Wasser

I hope to continue to open more doors and inspire more people, especially other amputees, to know that they are beautiful, too. — © Lauren Wasser
I hope to continue to open more doors and inspire more people, especially other amputees, to know that they are beautiful, too.
I hope I can get to more and more of the Chinese audience and kind of lead the way to maybe, y'know, inspire seems like a big word, but y'know... inspire to get people into entertainment because I think we can be just as good as anybody else.
We need to be willing to be uncomfortable, to be flawed, to be imperfect, to own our voice, to step into our light, so that we can continue to inspire other people and employ other people, and make room for more and more voices and presence.
My hope is that I'm going to continue to make more and more challenging work that's going to come out more and more interesting. I don't know if that will always continue to happen, but every one of my films has definitely been a progression as far as complexity of narrative, character, and plot.
I'm thrilled to continue my partnership with U by Kotex for Generation Know while helping to empower girls. I've always been a motivational resource for my younger sisters and hope I can positively impact and inspire other young girls too.
Most English-speaking people, for instance, will admit that cellar door is 'beautiful', especially if dissociated from its sense (and its spelling). More beautiful than, say, sky, and far more beautiful than beautiful. Well then, in Welsh for me cellar doors are extraordinarily frequent.
I love to look at physically beautiful people, and obviously others do, too. But there's such a narrow definition of what that is; the people who are my friends in life, the more I get to know them over the years, the more beautiful they are to me.
As more doors open for me, I try to always bring people who I know through.
For me, each of SNSD members is like my own body. If one gets hurts or hears bad things from someone else, it hurts me and pains me even more. And you know, it's impossible for only good things to happen to someone, so there will always be difficult and hurtful times; but during these times, I'm thankful that we're each other's supports and each other's strength. I hope in the future, we'll continue to lean on each other and be strong for each other. Also, when we need encouragement, we'll continue to look for each other too.
I hope to continue to support, to inspire, to motivate, to encourage... in the hopes that maybe the world can get a little bit more giggle.
I want to inspire through example. I hope my books motivate others to open doors and windows that will help them to embrace their own truth, light and joy.
It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope.
How much more proof does anyone need to see to know that there is more to GAIN from loving each other and being good to all people -- than from hating and envying each other? When we continue to hate, we continue to LOSE. When we amplify mutual respect and LOVE, we have a lot to gain! Quite simply, there is more to gain through love than hate.
I am comforted by the fact that I find a real range of female bodies beautiful, and I hope that other people do too. And even if they don't find it beautiful I hope they're just glad that something like it is happening on TV.
God will open any doors he wants to open, and if He closes doors, that's fine, too.
The more exposure any big comic with a disability gets will open more doors for the rest of us and help change people's attitudes.
I do hope the success of 'Ms. Marvel' will open doors for other characters and other creators.
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