A Quote by Leon Joseph Suenens

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. — © Leon Joseph Suenens
Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
When people do things to make your dream come true, you owe them in one way or another. Everyone understands that for every dream that comes true for you, there might not be a dream coming true for someone else. When we trade one wish for another, there's a price to pay. It works like that
For every dream of yours that you make come true, you'll pay the price in heartbreak.
Success comes to those that dare to dream dreams and are foolish enough to try and make them come true.
Dream beautiful dreams and then work to make those dreams come true.
Dreams require down payments. Dreams are free, but the journey isn't. There is a price to pay. First, you must pay the price of dealing with criticism from people who matter. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, 'Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong.' Second, you must pay the price of overcoming your fears. Failure, rejection, and looking foolish are common fears - but they are just feelings that can be conquered and removed from your thoughts. Finally, you must be willing to pay the price of hard work in order to realize your dream.
An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream the dreams and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true.
I hope the day will never come when the American nation will be the champion of the status quo. Once that happens, we shall have forfeited, and rightly forfeited, the support of the unsatisfied, of those who are the victims of inevitable imperfections, of those who, young in years or spirit, believe that they can make a better world and of those who dream dreams and want to make their dreams to come true.
You can always dream, and your dreams can come true. But you have to make them come true
Dream impossible dreams. When those dreams come true, make the next ones more impossible.
I'd love to work with Paul Thomas Anderson or Quentin Tarantino, but these are dreams I don't need to rush to achieve. I'll be ready to make those movies when I'm ready to make those movies and they're ready to make them with me, if they ever want to.
There is not a dream which may not come true, if we have the energy which makes, or chooses, our own fate.... It is only the dreams of those light sleepers who dream faintly that do not come true.
Dream your dreams with open eyes and make them come true.
Every dream has a process and a price tag. Those who embrace the process and pay the price, live the dream. Those who don't, just dream.
Will something else. Have dreams and believe in them. They don't have to come true. They are just as true as a dream is. Life itself is a dream.
Remember to always dream. More importantly, work hard to make those dreams come true and never give up.
A lot of dreams don't come true in life. If you can make somebody's dream come true, you should.
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