A Quote by Leonard Ravenhill

I doubt if 5% of professing Christians in America are born again-and that's true of England! — © Leonard Ravenhill
I doubt if 5% of professing Christians in America are born again-and that's true of England!
I doubt that more than two percent of professing Christians in the United States are truly born again.
I have made almost as many films in England as I have in America. I will come back to England again and again.
There are few professing Christians, it may be feared, who strive to imitate Christ in the matter of private devotion. There is abundance of hearing, reading, talking, professing, visiting, contributing to the poor and teaching at schools. But is there, together with all this, a due proportion of private prayer? Are believing men and women sufficiently careful to be frequently alone with God?
My family are England fans. I have lived in England all my life, my dad was born in England. My mum was born in Pakistan but they are England fans.
I love Iain Murray's definition of worldliness: towards the end of Evangelicalism Divided, he says that worldliness consists of loving idols and being at war with God. I think that's true in the lives of too many professing Christians today.
What the world expects of Christians is that Christians should speak out, loud and clear... in such a way that never a doubt, never the slightest doubt, could rise in the heart of the simplest man.
The true Christian is one who is kind of sick of this world. If I find anybody who is settled down too snugly into this world, I am made to doubt whether he's ever truly been born again
Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians! It's no different! It is the same thing! It is happening all over again! It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians! Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today! More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history!
Inconsistent professing Christians injure the Gospel more than the sneering critic or the heretic.
In America, fundamentalist Christians believe the world was created 6,000 years ago - in England people drink in bars that are older than that.
It is certainly true that conservative Christians are much more likely to doubt the reality of climate change than mainline Christians or the unaffiliated. But when we control for political affiliation and for the important role of thought leaders in determining our opinions on social issues such as climate change, most of the faith-related bias disappears.
Concerning persecution against Christians in America, for those who say it can't happen here - it is already happening here in America. Christians are being increasingly persecuted for their beliefs and bold stand for Jesus Christ.
The trouble with born-again Christians is that they are an even bigger pain the second time around.
Making fun of born-again Christians is like hunting dairy cows with a high powered rifle and scope.
For, dear me, why abandon a belief, Merely because it ceases to be true, Cling to it long enough, and not a doubt, It will turn true again, for so it goes.
The biggest difference between England and America is that England has history, while America has geography.
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