A Quote by Liris Crosse

We aren't lazy, overweight models. We work out and must maintain proportionate bodies for work. Plus models are curvy and fit. Don't let the scale fool you. Plus doesn't always equal unhealthy, just like skinny doesn't always equal healthy.
People have this conception of plus size models as girls who aren't fit or don't work out or don't really take care of their bodies.
I'm so grateful that I model at a time where 'plus-size' models are being championed, but they're still called 'plus-size' which is actually quite a stigma in itself. It's just healthy, curvy women.
I think the labels 'Plus Size' and 'Curvy' should be banned. You don't say 'White model' or Skinny model.' Why should 'Plus Size' models have a label.
Curvy and plus-size models will just be models once it becomes more normalized and we get more representation and people are used to it and not shocked by it.
Straight sized boards are models size 0-6. Plus size boards are models starting at a 10. If a size 8 girl was 5' 11 and curvy, she'd be on the plus sized board, because there's nothing in between.
I wonder why it has taken such a long time in our country to understand or look at the potential of plus-size models. So what if they are plus-size, they are confident and have equal enthusiasm for life.
We're fit, we're healthy, we eat right, we work out. 'Plus size model' does not mean that we're not healthy. Plus size is not glamourising obesity: it's about empowering. The message behind the fashion is feeling confident in whatever you're wearing.
The climate-studies people who work with models always tend to overestimate their models. They come to believe models are real and forget they are only models.
Plus models have personal trainers and go to college.We're not obese, or lazy, or stupid.
Some models are naturally very thin, but if they aren't naturally like that, then what these girls do to their health to fit in ... To be a size zero or a two when you're tall is incredible to me. It would be nice if models were allowed to be a more healthy weight - for the models, and for the young women who look up to them. We were athletic and healthy, and we looked like women.
We need to roll back precarious employment models. Temporary and limited contracts were initially seen as a way of introducing more flexibility so as to bridge periods of need in certain phases of production. Some employers have taken advantage of the model to push down wages. In general, we must strive for equal pay for equal work.
You cannot determine someone's health by the BMI alone. There are many factors that contribute to the health on an individual. If we're going to start using BMI to police straight size models, what's next? The plus size industry? To be honest, if it was down to BMI alone, most plus size models - including myself - wouldn't be working.
I would really love to work with major photographers who haven't featured plus-size models before.
I don't understand why it's not okay to be plus-size. I don't know why people hate that phrase. Many models have built their careers as plus-size women and then suddenly don't want to be called that anymore. But you're still cashing checks from plus-size designers.
We must ensure not only that everyone receives equal pay for equal work, but that they have the opportunity to do equal work.
In the many forms of government which have sprung up there has always been an acknowledgement of justice and proportionate equality, although mankind fail in attaining them, as indeed I have already explained. Democracy, for example, arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal.
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